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University & HE Courses

see what our students went on to study

  1. 3D Design and Craft
  2. Accountancy
  3. Accountancy and Finance
  4. Accounting
  5. Accounting and Management
  6. Accounting & Finance
  7. Accounting (Pathways)
  8. Accounting and Business Management
  9. Accounting and Finance
  10. Accounting and Finance (Extended)
  11. Accounting and Finance (Including Placement Year)
  12. Accounting and Finance (with a placement year)
  13. Accounting and Finance (with a professional placement year)
  14. Accounting and Finance (with Placement)
  15. Accounting and Finance (with Professional Exemptions ACCA, CIMA, CPA)
  16. Accounting and Finance (with Professional Placement Year)
  17. Accounting and Finance and Economics with a Year in Industry
  18. Accounting and Finance with a year in Industry
  19. Accounting and Finance with Internship
  20. Accounting and Financial Management (with placement year)
  21. Accounting and Management
  22. Accounting and Management With Placement Experience
  23. Accounting with Corporate Finance
  24. Accounting, Business Finance & Management with a Year in Industry
  25. Accounting, Business Finance and Management
  26. Acting (International)
  27. Acting and Performance
  28. Acting and Theatre Arts
  29. Adult and Mental Health Nursing
  30. Adult Nursing
  31. Adult Nursing (Blended Learning)
  32. Adult Nursing (Blended)
  33. Adult Nursing (Distance Learning)
  34. Adult Nursing (including Foundation Year)
  35. Adult Nursing (January)
  36. Adult Nursing (January) with Foundation Year
  37. Adult Nursing (September)
  38. Adult Nursing (with Foundation Year)
  39. Adult Nursing Practice
  40. Adult Nursing with Foundation Year
  41. Advanced Psychology
  42. Advertising
  43. Aerospace Engineering
  44. Aerospace Engineering with Foundation Year
  45. Aesthetic Practitioner
  46. Air Transport with Commercial Pilot Training
  47. Ambulance Clinical Technician Practice
  48. American and Canadian Studies
  49. Anatomical Sciences
  50. Anatomy and Human Biology
  51. Anatomy, Developmental and Human Biology
  52. Ancient History and Philosophy
  53. Animal Behaviour
  54. Animal Behaviour and Conservation
  55. Animal Behaviour and Conservation with Foundation Year
  56. Animal Behaviour and Welfare
  57. Animal Behaviour with Foundation Year
  58. Animal Biology
  59. Animal Conservation Science
  60. Animal Conservation Science (with Sandwich Year)
  61. Animal Therapy
  62. Anthropology
  63. Anthropology and Visual Practice
  64. Anthropology with a Year Abroad
  65. Anthropology with Study Abroad
  66. Applied Anatomy
  67. Applied Biomedical Science
  68. Applied Biomedical Science (Pathology) with placement year
  69. Applied Biosciences
  70. Applied Biosciences (Rescheduled)
  71. Applied Biosciences Foundation Year
  72. Applied Biosciences Foundation Year (Rescheduled)
  73. Applied Biosciences with Foundation Year
  74. Applied Business (Management)
  75. Applied Cyber Security
  76. Applied Humanities
  77. Applied Medical Sciences
  78. Applied Medical Sciences with a Foundation Year
  79. Applied Physics
  80. Applied Psychology (Clinical)
  81. Applied Psychology and Criminology
  82. Applied Sciences Foundation Year
  83. Applied Sport and Exercise Science
  84. Applied Sports Science
  85. Arabic and Global Development
  86. Arabic and Islamic Studies
  87. Archaeology
  88. Archaeology (Science)
  89. Archaeology (with a placement year)
  90. Archaeology and Anthropology
  91. Archaeology with Forensic Science with Employment Experience Abroad
  92. Archaeology, Anthropology, and Art History with a Year Abroad
  93. Architectural Design and Technology
  94. Architectural Design Technology with Foundation Year
  95. Architectural Design Technology with Sandwich Placement
  96. Architectural Engineering
  97. Architectural Studies
  98. Architectural Technology
  99. Architecture
  100. Architecture / Architecture (International) (RIBA Part 1)
  101. Architecture and Environmental Engineering (with Foundation Year)
  102. Architecture and Urban Planning
  103. Architecture with Foundation Year
  104. Art History and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
  105. Art History and Visual Culture
  106. Arts and Humanities with Foundation Year
  107. Arts and Sciences
  108. Asia Pacific Studies - Japanese
  109. Asia Pacific Studies - Korean
  110. Asia Pacific Studies and Japanese
  111. Assistant Practitioner
  112. Associate Ambulance Practice
  113. Audio and Music Technology
  114. Audiology
  115. Aviation and Airport Management
  116. Aviation Management
  117. Aviation Management (3 years or 4 years with Foundation)
  118. Aviation Technology with Pilot Studies and Management
  119. BA (Hons) Primary Education with Qualified Teacher Status [QTS] (5-11)*
  120. BA Business Management (Project Management)
  121. BA Hons Marketing & Brand Management
  122. Banking and Finance
  123. BEd Primary Education
  124. Behavioural Sciences
  125. Biochemistry
  126. Biochemistry and Human Biology
  127. Biochemistry with a Foundation Year
  128. Biochemistry with Medical Biochemistry
  129. Biochemistry with Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
  130. Biological and Forensic Sciences
  131. Biological and Medicinal Chemistry
  132. Biological Science
  133. Biological Sciences
  134. Biological Sciences (Zoology)
  135. Biological Sciences with a Foundation Year
  136. Biological Sciences with Foundation
  137. Biological Sciences with Foundation Year
  138. Biological Sciences with Integrated Foundation Year
  139. Biology
  140. Biology and Climate Change
  141. Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  142. Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences with Foundation Year
  143. Biomedical Engineering
  144. Biomedical Engineering (with Foundation Year)
  145. Biomedical Engineering (with Foundation Year) FT
  146. Biomedical Engineering with a Foundation Year
  147. Biomedical Engineering with Foundation Year
  148. Biomedical Science
  149. Biomedical Science (3 Years or 4 Years including Foundation)
  150. Biomedical Science (Foundation)
  151. Biomedical Science (including foundation year)
  152. Biomedical Science (Including Placement Year)
  153. Biomedical Science (with foundation year)
  154. Biomedical Science (with Placement year)
  155. Biomedical Science (with placement)
  156. Biomedical Science BSc
  157. Biomedical Science with an Industrial Placement Year
  158. Biomedical Science with Foundation Year
  159. Biomedical Science with Integrated Foundation Year
  160. Biomedical Science with Placement
  161. Biomedical Science with placement year
  162. Biomedical Science with Professional Placement
  163. Biomedical Sciences
  164. Biomedical Sciences (4 years) [MSci]
  165. Biomedical Sciences (Foundation Entry)
  166. Biomedical Sciences (Integrated Masters)
  167. Biomedical Sciences (Sandwich)
  168. Biomedical Sciences with Foundation Year
  169. Biomedical Sciences with Professional Experience
  170. Biomedical Sciences with Professional Placement
  171. Biomedicine
  172. Biomedicine with Foundation Year
  173. Bioscience
  174. Bioscience and Health with Foundation Year
  175. Biotechnology
  176. BMid (Hons) Midwifery with Registered Midwife
  177. BSc Biomedical Science
  178. BSc Human Sciences
  179. BSc Medical Physiology
  180. BSc Midwifery (Long)
  181. BSc Nursing (Mental Health)
  182. BSc(Hons) Nursing (Adult) [Stockport NHS Foundation Trust]
  183. Building Surveying
  184. Building Surveying (with Placement year)
  185. Building Surveying with Foundation
  186. Business
  187. Business & Management
  188. Business & Management (Finance)
  189. Business (Online)
  190. Business Accounting with Finance
  191. Business Analytics
  192. Business and Events Management
  193. Business and Finance
  194. Business and Laws with Industrial Placement
  195. Business and Management
  196. Business and Management (Entrepreneurship)
  197. Business and Management (Festivals and Events)
  198. Business and Management (Marketing)
  199. Business and Management (Marketing) (3 years or 4 years with Foundation)
  200. Business and Management Studies
  201. Business and Management with Foundation Year
  202. Business and Marketing
  203. Business and Psychology - Two-year Accelerated Degree
  204. Business Economics
  205. Business Economics (4 years full time including sandwich year)
  206. Business Economics with a Year in Industry
  207. Business Enterprise and Innovation
  208. Business Finance
  209. Business Finance with Professional Placement Year
  210. Business Management
  211. Business Management (Blended)
  212. Business Management (Entrepreneurship)
  213. Business Management (Human Resource Management)
  214. Business Management (including Foundation Year)
  215. Business Management (Industry)
  216. Business Management (Marketing)
  217. Business Management (Project Management)
  218. Business Management and English Language
  219. Business Management and Entrepreneurship
  220. Business Management and Marketing
  221. Business Management with Entrepreneurship
  222. Business Management with Entrepreneurship with Placement
  223. Business Management with Finance
  224. Business Management with Foundation year
  225. Business Management with Law
  226. Business Management with Marketing
  227. Business Management with Placement
  228. Business Management with Sport with Professional Placement Year
  229. Business Management with Supply Chain Management & Logistics
  230. Business Psychology
  231. Business Studies
  232. Business Studies and Law
  233. Business with Digital Marketing
  234. Business with Finance
  235. Business with International Business Management
  236. Business with Marketing
  237. Business with/without specialisms
  238. Business, Management, Economics & Law with Foundation Year
  239. Cancer Biology and Immunology
  240. Cardiac Physiology
  241. Cellular and Molecular Medicine
  242. Chemical Engineering
  243. Chemical Engineering with Foundation Year
  244. Chemistry
  245. Chemistry for Drug Discovery and Development
  246. Chemistry with a year abroad
  247. Chemistry with a Year in Industry
  248. Chemistry with a year in York
  249. Chemistry with Biomedicine
  250. Chemistry with Foundation
  251. Chemistry with Foundation Year
  252. Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry
  253. Chemistry with Study Abroad
  254. Child Nursing
  255. Child Nursing (January)
  256. Child Nursing (September)
  257. Child/Mental Health
  258. Childhood & Youth and Social Care
  259. Childhood & Youth Studies
  260. Childhood and Early Years Studies
  261. Childhood and Psychology
  262. Childhood and Youth Studies
  263. Childhood and Youth Studies with Psychology
  264. Childhood and Youth: Theory and Practice
  265. Childhood Studies
  266. Childhood Studies with Study Abroad
  267. Childhood, Youth and Education Studies
  268. Childhood: Health and Wellbeing
  269. Childhood: Primary Education with QTS
  270. Children and Young People's Nursing
  271. Children's and Young People's Nursing
  272. Children's Nursing
  273. Children's Nursing (Distance Learning)
  274. Children, Young People and Families
  275. Children, Young People and Society
  276. Chinese or Japanese Studies
  277. Chiropractic
  278. Chiropractic (with Integrated Masters)
  279. Clinical Herbalism
  280. Clinical Nutrition
  281. Clinical Optometry
  282. Clinical Psychology
  283. Clinical Technology
  284. Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience
  285. Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology with Industrial/Professional Experience
  286. Collaborative Health and Social Care
  287. Commercial Management and Quantity Surveying (with placement year)
  288. Commercial Songwriting
  289. Common Law
  290. Community Football Coaching and Development
  291. Community Health and Well Being
  292. Community Policing and Criminal Investigation
  293. Computer and Information Technology (with Foundation Year)
  294. Computer Games Design
  295. Computer Games Programming
  296. Computer Games Programming and Design
  297. Computer Games Technology
  298. Computer Networks and Security
  299. Computer Science
  300. Computer Science (with a Year in Industry)
  301. Computer Science (with integrated year in industry)
  302. Computer Science for Games
  303. Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence
  304. Computer Science with Foundation
  305. Computer Science with Foundation Year
  306. Computer Science with Industrial Placement
  307. Computer Science with Study Abroad
  308. Computer Science with Year in Industry
  309. Computing
  310. Computing Sciences (with a foundation year)
  311. Computing with Foundation Year
  312. Conservation Biology
  313. Conservation Biology and Ecology
  314. Conservation Science and Animal Management (Wildlife and Zoo)
  315. Construction and the Built Environment - HNC
  316. Construction Management
  317. Construction Management (with Foundation Year)
  318. Construction Management and Surveying
  319. Construction Management with Sandwich Placement
  320. Construction Project Management
  321. Consumer Behaviour and Marketing
  322. Content Creation
  323. Cosmetic Science
  324. Counselling
  325. Counselling and Psychotherapy (Person Centred)
  326. Counselling and Psychotherapy (Professional Practice)
  327. Counselling Psychology
  328. Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring
  329. Countryside Management
  330. Creative and Professional Writing
  331. Creative Writing
  332. Creative Writing (Multidiscipline)
  333. Creative Writing (Multidiscipline) with Foundation Year
  334. Creative Writing (online)
  335. Creative Writing and English
  336. Creative Writing and English Literature
  337. Creative Writing and Film Studies
  338. Creative Writing and Publishing
  339. Creative Writing and Screenwriting
  340. Crime and Investigative Studies
  341. Crime and Security Science
  342. Criminal and Corporate Investigation
  343. Criminal Investigation with Psychology with Placement
  344. Criminological and Forensic Psychology
  345. Criminology
  346. Criminology & Criminal Justice and Law
  347. Criminology (including foundation year)
  348. Criminology (Policing and Investigations)
  349. Criminology (Policing and Investigations) with FY
  350. Criminology (with Foundation Year)
  351. Criminology and Criminal Behaviour
  352. Criminology and Criminal Justice
  353. Criminology and Criminal Justice (with Foundation Year)
  354. Criminology and Criminal Justice and Law with Foundation Year
  355. Criminology and Criminal Psychology
  356. Criminology and Forensic Science
  357. Criminology and Forensic Studies
  358. Criminology and Law
  359. Criminology and Policing
  360. Criminology and Psychology
  361. Criminology and Psychology (Professional Placement Year)
  362. Criminology and Psychology with a Year in Industry
  363. Criminology and Social Care
  364. Criminology and Social Policy
  365. Criminology and Sociology
  366. Criminology and Sociology (Foundation)
  367. Criminology with Criminal Justice with Foundation Year
  368. Criminology with Forensic Psychology
  369. Criminology with Forensic Science
  370. Criminology with Foundation
  371. Criminology with Foundation Year
  372. Criminology with Law
  373. Criminology with Policing
  374. Criminology with Psychology
  375. Criminology with Psychology (with Foundation Year)
  376. Criminology with Social Psychology
  377. Criminology with Study Abroad
  378. Criminology with Year Abroad
  379. Critical Approaches to Counselling & Psychotherapy
  380. Cyber Security
  381. Cyber Security & Digital Forensics
  382. Cyber Security (professional placement year)
  383. Cyber Security (with a Placement Year)
  384. Cyber Security (with placement)
  385. Cyber Security and Digital Forensics
  386. Cyber Security and Forensics
  387. Cyber Security with Foundation
  388. Cyber Security with Foundation Year
  389. Cybersecurity
  390. Dental Hygiene
  391. Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy
  392. Dental Hygiene and Therapy
  393. Dental Nursing
  394. Dental Surgery
  395. Dental Therapy
  396. Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene
  397. Dental Therapy and Hygiene
  398. Design for Future Living
  399. Developmental Biology with Industrial/Professional Experience
  400. Diagnostic Imaging
  401. Diagnostic Radiography
  402. Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging
  403. Diagnostic Radiography and Medical Imaging
  404. Diagnostic Radiography BSc
  405. Diagnostic Radiography BSc/MSci
  406. Diagnostic Radiography with Foundation Year
  407. Dietetics
  408. Dietetics and Human Nutrition
  409. Dietetics and Nutrition (4 years)
  410. Digital Film Production
  411. Digital Forensics and Cyber Security
  412. Digital Games Development
  413. Digital Marketing
  414. Digital Marketing & Social Media (with Professional Practice Year)
  415. Digital Marketing and Advertising
  416. Digital Media and Communications
  417. Digital Media and Communications (Foundation)
  418. Digital Media Production
  419. Drama and Contemporary Performance
  420. Drama and Film
  421. Drama: Education & Community
  422. Early Childhood
  423. Early Childhood and Education Studies
  424. Early Childhood and Special Educational Needs
  425. Early Childhood Education and Care
  426. Early Childhood Education and Care: Leadership and Management
  427. Early Childhood Studies
  428. Early Childhood Studies (Early Years Practitioner Status)
  429. Early Childhood Studies (Graduate Practitoner)
  430. Early Childhood Studies (Online)
  431. Early Childhood Studies With Early Years Practitioner Status
  432. Early Education Primary (3-7) with QTS
  433. Early Years and Childhood Studies
  434. Early Years Childhood Studies
  435. Early Years Development and Learning
  436. Early Years Education and Professional Practice
  437. Early Years Education with QTS
  438. Earth and Planetary Sciences
  439. Earth Sciences
  440. Ecological and Environmental Sciences with Management
  441. Ecology
  442. Ecology and Conservation
  443. Ecology and Conservation Biology
  444. Ecology and Environmental Biology
  445. Ecology and Environmental Science
  446. Ecology and Environmental Science (with placement)
  447. Ecology and Wildlife Conservation
  448. Ecology, Conservation and Environment
  449. Economics
  450. Economics (4 years full time including sandwich year)
  451. Economics (SocSci)
  452. Economics and Finance
  453. Economics and Management
  454. Economics and Politics
  455. Economics including Foundation Year
  456. Economics, Finance and Banking
  457. Economics, Finance and International Business
  458. Education
  459. Education (Special Educational Needs and Inclusion)
  460. Education and Japanese
  461. Education and Korean
  462. Education and Learning
  463. Education and Learning - Foundation Degree (FdA)
  464. Education and Primary Studies
  465. Education and Psychology
  466. Education and Special Educational Needs
  467. Education Practice
  468. Education Studies
  469. Education Studies (Online)
  470. Education Studies and Psychology
  471. Education Studies and Psychology (Professional Placement Year)
  472. Education Studies and Theology, Philosophy & Ethics
  473. Education Studies with Psychology
  474. Education with Autism, Disability and Special Educational Needs
  475. Education with Psychology (Full-Time)
  476. Education with Psychology with placement year (Full-Time)
  477. Education, Psychology and Special Educational Needs
  478. Education, SEN and Mental Health
  479. Education: Primary and Early Years
  480. Educational Psychology
  481. Educational Psychology (Professional Placement Year)
  482. Engineering and Applied Science Foundation Programme
  483. Engineering and Physical Sciences with Foundation Year
  484. Engineering and Technology with Foundation Year
  485. Engineering with a Foundation Year
  486. Engineering with Foundation Year
  487. English
  488. English (with a study abroad year)
  489. English and American Literature
  490. English and Comparative Literature
  491. English and Creative Writing
  492. English and Drama
  493. English and History
  494. English and Journalism
  495. English Language
  496. English Language and Creative Writing
  497. English Language and Linguistics
  498. English Language and Linguistics and Korean
  499. English Language and Linguistics with Foundation Year
  500. English Language and Linguistics with Intercalated Year
  501. English Language and Literature
  1. English Language and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
  2. English Literature
  3. English Literature (Professional Placement Year)
  4. English Literature and Creative Writing
  5. English Literature and Language with Foundation Year with optional TESOL pathway
  6. English Literature and Language with optional TESOL pathway
  7. English Literature and Psychology
  8. English Literature and Theatre Studies
  9. English Literature with Creative Writing
  10. English Studies
  11. English with a Year Abroad
  12. English with Creative Writing
  13. English with Study in North America
  14. English/History of Art (Equal)
  15. Environmental Earth Sciences
  16. Environmental Geoscience
  17. Environmental Health
  18. Environmental Health Science
  19. Environmental Management
  20. Environmental Management and Sustainability
  21. Environmental Science
  22. Environmental Science (Sandwich)
  23. Environmental Science (Study Abroad)
  24. Environmental Science (with Placement Year)
  25. Environmental Science and Sustainability
  26. Environmental Science with Foundation Year
  27. Environmental Science with Industrial Experience
  28. Equine Science & Coaching
  29. Esports
  30. Esports - Staffordshire University London
  31. Events & Festivals Management (with Integrated Foundation Year)
  32. Events & Festivals Management (with Professional Practice Year)
  33. Events Management
  34. Exercise and Sport Sciences
  35. Exercise, Nutrition and Health
  36. Exploration Geology
  37. Fashion and Dress History
  38. Fashion Business (Accelerated Degree)
  39. Fashion Business and Management
  40. Fashion Buying and Brand Management
  41. Fashion Buying and Merchandising
  42. Fashion Buying with Merchandising
  43. Fashion Communication with Business Studies
  44. Fashion Management
  45. Fashion Management and Marketing
  46. Fashion Marketing
  47. Fashion Marketing and Business Management
  48. Fashion Marketing and Consumer Behaviour
  49. Film
  50. Film and Media Studies
  51. Film and Screen Studies
  52. Film and Television Production
  53. Film Business & Production
  54. Film Production
  55. Film Studies
  56. Film, Television and Digital Production
  57. Filmmaking
  58. Finance
  59. Finance (with Professional Placement)
  60. Finance and Business
  61. Finance and Economics (with a placement year)
  62. Finance and Investment
  63. Finance and Investment Management
  64. Finance with a Year in Industry
  65. Finance with Foundation
  66. Finance, Accounting and Management
  67. Finance, Accounting and Management with a Placement Year
  68. Finance, Investment & Risk
  69. Finance: Investment Banking with Industrial Experience
  70. Financial Economics (4 years full time including sandwich year)
  71. Financial Economics (Including Placement Year)
  72. Finnish and French
  73. Flexible Combined Honours
  74. Flexible Combined Honours with Study Abroad
  75. Food and Nutrition with placement year
  76. Food Innovation Management with pathways in Technology and Nutrition
  77. Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition with Professional Studies
  78. Food Science
  79. Food Science and Nutrition
  80. Food Technology with Nutrition (with Placement)
  81. Food with Nutrition
  82. Football Business and Finance
  83. Forensic & Applied Biology
  84. Forensic Accounting (Sandwich)
  85. Forensic and Analytical Science
  86. Forensic and Criminological Psychology (with a Placement Year)
  87. Forensic and Medical Sciences (with a placement year)
  88. Forensic Investigation
  89. Forensic Investigations
  90. Forensic Psychology
  91. Forensic Psychology (Professional Placement Year)
  92. Forensic Psychology and Criminal Justice
  93. Forensic Science
  94. Forensic Science (Foundation Entry)
  95. Forensic Science (with Foundation Year)
  96. Forensic Science and Chemical Analysis
  97. Forensic Science and Chemical Analysis (Foundation Entry)
  98. Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation
  99. Forensic Science with a Year Abroad
  100. Forensic Science with Foundation Year
  101. Forensic Science with Industrial Placement
  102. Forensic Sciences
  103. Forensics, Policing and Investigations
  104. Foundation Degree Health and Social Care Practice - Tresham
  105. Foundation Degree Science Nursing Associate
  106. Foundation in Clinical Sciences and Medicine leading to BSc Clinical Sciences
  107. Foundation in Law
  108. Foundation Year
  109. Foundation Year in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
  110. French
  111. French and Hispanic Studies
  112. French Studies
  113. Future Media Production (with Foundation Year)
  114. Game Design
  115. Games Computing
  116. Games Design
  117. Games Design (with Foundation Year option)
  118. Games Design and Development
  119. Games Technology
  120. Games Technology (with Foundation Year)
  121. Geography
  122. Geography (fast-track)
  123. Geography (International)
  124. Geography with a Year Abroad
  125. Geography with Business Management
  126. Geological Oceanography
  127. Geology
  128. Geology with Study Abroad
  129. Global Development
  130. Global Health and Social Medicine
  131. Graduate Entry Medicine
  132. Guidance and Counselling
  133. Health & Social Care
  134. Health & Society
  135. Health & Wellbeing
  136. Health and Exercise Science
  137. Health and Exercise Science with Foundation Year
  138. Health and Human Sciences
  139. Health and Social Care
  140. Health and Social Care (2 years or 3 years including Foundation)
  141. Health and Social Care (3 Years or 4 Years including Foundation)
  142. Health and Social Care (with Foundation Year)
  143. Health and Social Care Practice
  144. Health and Social Care with Foundation Year
  145. Health and Social Science
  146. Health and Wellbeing in Society
  147. Health and Wellbeing Practitioner
  148. Health Foundation Pathway leading to a BSc(Hons) Degree
  149. Health Physiology
  150. Health Professions (Foundation Year)
  151. Health Sciences
  152. Health Studies
  153. Health, Education and Social Care Foundation Year
  154. Health, Education and Wellbeing (Foundation Year)
  155. Healthcare Science
  156. Healthcare Science (Audiology)
  157. Healthcare Science (Cardiac Physiology)
  158. Healthcare Science (Neurophysiology)
  159. Healthcare Science (Physiological Science)
  160. Healthcare Science (Physiological Sciences)
  161. Healthcare Science (Physiological Sciences) BSc
  162. Healthcare with Foundation Year
  163. Hearing Aid Audiology
  164. Hispanic Studies with Business Management
  165. History
  166. History (Foundation)
  167. History and Sociology
  168. History of Art
  169. History of Art and Japanese
  170. Horticulture (with Foundation Year)
  171. Human Biology
  172. Human Biology (with placement year)
  173. Human Biology and Infectious Diseases
  174. Human Biosciences
  175. Human Geography
  176. Human Neuroscience
  177. Human Nutrition
  178. Human Nutrition (including foundation year)
  179. Human Nutrition and Dietetics
  180. Human Nutrition and Health
  181. Human Nutrition with placement year
  182. Human Physiology
  183. Human Resource Management
  184. Human Resources and Business Management
  185. Human Sciences
  186. Human, Social, and Political Sciences
  187. Immunology
  188. Initial Year for Extended Degree in Science - Biological Science
  189. Initial Year for Extended Degree in Science - Subjects Allied to Medicine
  190. Initial Year for Extended Degree Science- BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTHCARE SCIENCE
  191. Initial Year Science Optometry
  192. Integrated Health and Social Care
  193. Integrated Health and Social Care with Foundation Year
  194. Interdisciplinary Science with Foundation Year
  195. Interior Architecture and Design
  196. Interior Architecture and Design with Foundation Year
  197. International Business
  198. International Business (with a professional placement year)
  199. International Business (with a study abroad year)
  200. International Business and Finance
  201. International Business and Management
  202. International Business Management
  203. International Business with a Year in Industry
  204. International Business with Professional Placement Year
  205. International Development
  206. International Development with a Language
  207. International Development with a Year Abroad
  208. International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Response
  209. International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Response and Arabic
  210. International History and Politics
  211. International Hospitality Business Management
  212. International Hospitality Management
  213. International Law
  214. International Law and Globalisation
  215. International Management
  216. International Marketing
  217. International Politics
  218. International Relations
  219. International Relations and Development
  220. International Relations and Diplomacy (Hague Exchange)
  221. International Relations and Diplomacy (with optional Hague Exchange)
  222. International Relations and Global Development
  223. International Relations and Korean
  224. International Relations and Politics
  225. International Relations and Politics (with a language)
  226. International Relations with a Language
  227. International Relations with a Year Abroad
  228. International Relations with Business Management
  229. International Security Studies
  230. International Social and Public Policy with Politics
  231. International Tourism Management
  232. International Wildlife Biology
  233. Introduction to Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiography
  234. Introduction to Health Sciences
  235. Investment and Finance in Property
  236. Investment and Financial Risk Management
  237. Japanese
  238. Japanese Studies
  239. Japanese Studies (with Year Abroad)
  240. Japanese Studies with International Experience
  241. Japanese, Intercultural Communication and Linguistics
  242. Japanese, TESOL and Linguistics
  243. Joint Honours Psychology and Biology
  244. Journalism
  245. Journalism and Media
  246. Journalism Studies
  247. Journalism with Public Relations
  248. Journalism, Media and Culture
  249. Journalism, Politics and History
  250. Korean
  251. Korean Studies
  252. Korean, TESOL and Linguistics
  253. Land Economy
  254. Law
  255. Law (2-year degree)
  256. Law (Accelerated Programme)
  257. Law (Accelerated)
  258. Law (European and International)
  259. Law (with Foundation Year)
  260. Law (with Integrated Foundation Year)
  261. Law (with placement year)
  262. Law and Commercial Law
  263. Law and Criminology
  264. Law and Legal Practice
  265. Law and Politics
  266. Law LLB
  267. Law LLB (Hons)
  268. Law LLB with Business
  269. Law LLB with Foundation Year
  270. Law with a Year Abroad
  271. Law with a Year in Industry
  272. Law with Accounting and Finance
  273. Law with American Studies (with a study abroad year)
  274. Law with Business
  275. Law with Business and Management
  276. Law with Business Law
  277. Law with Criminal Justice
  278. Law with Criminal Justice and Human Rights
  279. Law with Criminology
  280. Law with Foundation
  281. Law with Foundation Year
  282. Law with Integrated Foundation Year
  283. Law with International Arbitration & Commercial Law
  284. Law with International Business
  285. Law with International Relations
  286. Law with Modern Languages (French)
  287. Law with Politics
  288. Law with Politics and Human Rights
  289. Law with Professional Experience
  290. Law with Professional Experience Year
  291. Law/MLaw
  292. Learning and Teaching
  293. Learning Disabilities Nursing
  294. Learning Disabilities Nursing and Social Work (Integrated Practice)
  295. Learning Disability Nursing
  296. Learning Disability Nursing Practice
  297. Liberal Arts and Sciences
  298. Life Sciences
  299. Ling and Lang/Cult
  300. Linguistics
  301. Linguistics and French
  302. Linguistics and Modern Languages & Cultures
  303. Linguistics and Russian
  304. LLB Law
  305. LLB Law with Criminology
  306. LLB Law with Foundation Year
  307. LLB Law with Professional Placement
  308. Management
  309. Management (Accounting and Finance)
  310. Management (Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship)
  311. Management (Marketing)
  312. Management and Entrepreneurship
  313. Management with Entrepreneurship
  314. Management with Marketing
  315. Manchester City Community Football Coaching
  316. Marine and Freshwater Biology
  317. Marine and Natural History Photography
  318. Marine Biology
  319. Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology
  320. Marine Biology and Oceanography
  321. Marine Environmental Science
  322. Marine Geography
  323. Marine Science and Conservation
  324. Marketing
  325. Marketing & Advertising
  326. Marketing & Advertising With Business Experience
  327. Marketing and Advertising with Professional Placement Year
  328. Marketing and Brand Management
  329. Marketing and Management
  330. Marketing and Public Relations
  331. Marketing and Sports Communication (with Placement Year)
  332. Marketing Communications with Public Relations
  333. Marketing Management
  334. Marketing with a Year Abroad
  335. Master of Chiropractic
  336. Master of Nursing (Adult and Mental Health Dual Registration)
  337. Master of Nursing Adult
  338. Master of Optometry (MOptom)
  339. Masters in Midwifery
  340. Mathematics with Foundation Year
  341. Mechanical Engineering
  342. Mechanical Engineering (Foundation)
  343. Mechanical Engineering (with Foundation Year option)
  344. Mechanical Engineering (with foundation year)
  345. Mechanical Engineering with a Foundation Year
  346. Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year
  347. Media and Communications
  348. Media and English
  349. Media and Journalism
  350. Media Communications and Culture
  351. Media, Journalism and Publishing
  352. Medical Biochemistry
  353. Medical Biochemistry (4 years) [MSci]
  354. Medical Biochemistry with Industrial/Professional Experience
  355. Medical Biology
  356. Medical Biology with foundation year
  357. Medical Bioscience
  358. Medical Genetics
  359. Medical Imaging (Diagnostic Radiography)
  360. Medical Microbiology
  361. Medical Neuroscience
  362. Medical Pharmacology
  363. Medical Physiology
  364. Medical Physiology (with Foundation Year)
  365. Medical Physiology and Diagnostics
  366. Medical Physiology with Foundation Year
  367. Medical Science
  368. Medical Sciences
  369. Medical Sciences (Foundation Entry)
  370. Medical Sciences (Foundation Year)
  371. Medical Sciences (with Foundation Year)
  372. Medicine
  373. Medicine (Graduate Entry)
  374. Medicine (MBBS)
  375. Medicine - MBChB Standard entry
  376. Medicine and Surgery
  377. Medicine with Foundation Year
  378. Mental Health Nursing
  379. Mental Health Nursing (Extended Degree)
  380. Mental Health Nursing (January)
  381. Mental Health Nursing (January) with Foundation Year
  382. Mental Health Nursing (September)
  383. Mental Health Nursing (September) with Foundation Year
  384. Mental Health Nursing (with Foundation Year)
  385. Mental Health Nursing Practice
  386. Mental Health Nursing with Foundation Year
  387. Mental Health, Wellbeing & Society
  388. Microbiology
  389. Microbiology and Molecular Biology
  390. Midwifery
  391. Midwifery (Blended Learning)
  392. Midwifery (January)
  393. Midwifery (Long)
  394. Midwifery (MSc)
  395. Midwifery (Pre-Registration)
  396. Midwifery (Registered Midwife)
  397. Midwifery (with Foundation Year)
  398. Midwifery April Entry
  399. Midwifery March Entry
  400. Midwifery Practice
  401. Midwifery Registered Midwife
  402. Midwifery Studies
  403. Midwifery Studies (Postgraduate Entry)
  404. Midwifery Studies BSc (Hons)
  405. Midwifery Studies MSc (Hons) Postgraduate Entry
  406. Midwifery Studies Postgraduate Entry
  407. Midwifery Studies with Registration as a Midwife
  408. Midwifery Studies, Registered Midwife
  409. Midwifery with Leadership
  410. Midwifery with NMC Registration
  411. Midwifery with Public Health
  412. Midwifery with Public Health (September)
  413. Midwifery with Registered Midwife
  414. Midwifery with Registration as a Midwife
  415. Midwifery: Registered Midwife
  416. Mining Engineering
  417. MLaw (four-year integrated Masters)
  418. MLaw (Solicitors' Practice) - 4 Year Integrated Masters
  419. MMid Midwifery with Registered Midwife for Graduates
  420. MN Integrated Masters (Adult Nursing)
  421. MNurs Nursing Adult and Child (Dual Field)
  422. MNurse (Adult/Mental Health)
  423. MNurse (Child/Mental Health)
  424. Modern History and English Literature - Two-year Accelerated Degree
  425. Modern Languages
  426. Modern Languages (4 years)
  427. Modern Languages and Teaching English as a Foreign Language
  428. Modern Languages with Foundation Year
  429. Molecular Biology and Genetics
  430. Molecular Cell Biology
  431. Molecular Genetics
  433. MPharm (Pharmacy) with Preparatory Year
  434. MPhysiotherapy (Sport and Exercise Medicine)
  435. MSc Mental Health Nursing (Pre-registration)
  436. MSci Nursing Dual Award (Adult and Child)
  437. MSci Nursing Dual Award (Adult and Mental Health)
  438. MSci Nursing Dual Award (Learning Disabilities and Child)
  439. Multimedia Journalism
  440. Natural Sciences
  441. NCT Perinatal Education and Practice
  442. Neuroscience
  443. Neuroscience with Cognitive Science
  444. Neuroscience with Foundation Year
  445. Neuroscience with Industrial/Professional Experience (4 years)
  446. Neuroscience with Placement Year
  447. Neuroscience with Psychology
  448. Neuroscience with Psychology BSc
  449. Nurse Paramedic (Adult)
  450. Nursing
  451. Nursing (Adult - Honours)
  452. Nursing (Adult and Child)
  453. Nursing (Adult and Mental Health)
  454. Nursing (Adult Health and Mental Health)
  455. Nursing (Adult Health)
  456. Nursing (Adult Health) (January)
  457. Nursing (Adult Nursing)
  458. Nursing (Adult)
  459. Nursing (Adult) (Blended Learning)
  460. Nursing (Adult) (Including Year Abroad)
  461. Nursing (Adult) (Mid Yorkshire Hospitals)
  462. Nursing (Adult) (Mid Yorkshire Hospitals) BSc Hons
  463. Nursing (Adult) (Swindon Campus)
  464. Nursing (Adult) April Entry
  465. Nursing (Adult) MSc
  466. Nursing (Adult) September Entry
  467. Nursing (Adult) Spring Intake
  468. Nursing (Adult) with Foundation Year
  469. Nursing (Adult) with NMC Registration
  470. Nursing (Adult) [Bolton NHS Foundation Trust]
  471. Nursing (Adult) [Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust]
  472. Nursing (Adult) [Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust]
  473. Nursing (Blended Learning) (Adult)
  474. Nursing (Blended Learning) (Child)
  475. Nursing (Blended Learning) (Learning Disability)
  476. Nursing (Blended Learning) (Mental Health)
  477. Nursing (Child and Mental Health)
  478. Nursing (Child Health)
  479. Nursing (Child)
  480. Nursing (Children and Young People)
  481. Nursing (Children's Nursing)
  482. Nursing (Children's)
  483. Nursing (Children's) with NMC Registration
  484. Nursing (Children)
  485. Nursing (Children) [Bolton NHS Trust]
  486. Nursing (Learning Disabilities Nursing)
  487. Nursing (Learning Disabilities)
  488. Nursing (Learning Disability)
  489. Nursing (Learning Disability) and Social Work
  490. Nursing (Mental Health Nursing)
  491. Nursing (Mental Health)
  492. Nursing (Mental Health) (January)
  493. Nursing (Mental Health) March Entry
  494. Nursing (Mental Health) September Entry
  495. Nursing (Mental Health) Spring Intake
  496. Nursing (Mental Health) with NMC Registration
  497. Nursing (Registered Nurse - Adult)
  498. Nursing (Registered Nurse - Child)
  499. Nursing (Registered Nurse - Mental Health)
  500. Nursing (Registered Nurse Adult)
  501. Nursing - Adult
  1. Nursing - Adult and Mental Health (Dual Award
  2. Nursing - Learning Disabilities and Child (Dual Award)
  3. Nursing - Mental Health and Child (Dual Award)
  4. Nursing - Mental Health and Learning Disabilities (Dual Award)
  5. Nursing - Registered Nurse (Adult)
  6. Nursing - Registered Nurse (Child)
  7. Nursing - Registered Nurse (Children & Young People)
  8. Nursing - Registered Nurse (Mental Health)
  9. Nursing Adult
  10. Nursing Adult and Child
  11. Nursing Adult and Mental Health
  12. Nursing and Allied Health Professions
  13. Nursing and Allied Health Professions Foundation Year
  14. Nursing Associate
  15. Nursing Associate Practitioner
  16. Nursing BSc (Hons)
  17. Nursing Child and Mental Health
  18. Nursing Dual Registration (Adult and Mental Health)
  19. Nursing Mental Health
  20. Nursing Practice (Adult) - Shrewsbury Campus
  21. Nursing Practice (Adult) - Stafford Campus
  22. Nursing Practice (Adult) - Stoke Campus
  23. Nursing Practice (Child) (September Entry Stafford)
  24. Nursing Practice (Mental Health) - Stafford Campus
  25. Nursing Science Registered Nurse (Child)
  26. Nursing Science, Registered Nurse (Adult)
  27. Nursing Science, Registered Nurse (Mental Health)
  28. Nursing Studies (Adult)
  29. Nursing Studies (Adult) (Pre-Registration)
  30. Nursing Studies (Child)
  31. Nursing Studies (Mental Health)
  32. Nursing Studies (Mental Health) (Pre-Registration)
  33. Nursing Studies (Registered Nurse Adult Nursing)
  34. Nursing Studies (Registered Nurse Adult Nursing) with Foundation Year
  35. Nursing Studies (Registered Nurse Children & Young People Nursing)
  36. Nursing Studies (Registered Nurse Children's Nursing)
  37. Nursing Studies (Registered Nurse Mental Health Nursing)
  38. Nursing Studies Hons (Adult)
  39. Nursing Studies Hons (Child)
  40. Nursing Studies with registration as a nurse (Adult Nursing)
  41. Nursing Studies with registration as a nurse (Mental Health Nursing)
  42. Nursing Studies, Registered Nurse (Adult)
  43. Nursing with Leadership Dual Registration Mental Health and Adult Nursing
  44. Nursing with Registered Nurse - Adult (March)
  45. Nursing with Registered Nurse - Adult (September)
  46. Nursing with Registered Nurse - Children and Young People
  47. Nursing with Registered Nurse - Learning Disabilities
  48. Nursing with Registered Nurse - Mental Health (September)
  49. Nursing with Registered Nurse - Mental Heath (September)
  50. Nursing with Registered Nurse – Adult (September)
  51. Nursing with Registered Nurse – Children and Young People
  52. Nursing with Registration (Adult Nursing)
  53. Nursing with Registration (Child Nursing)
  54. Nursing with Registration (Learning Disability)
  55. Nursing with Registration (Mental Health Nursing )
  56. Nursing with Registration as a Children's Nurse
  57. Nursing with Registration as a Mental Health Nurse
  58. Nursing with Registration as an Adult Nurse
  59. Nursing/Registered Nurse: Adult Nursing
  60. Nursing/Registered Nurse: Children's Nursing
  61. Nursing/Registered Nurse: Mental Health Nursing
  62. Nutrition
  63. Nutrition & Health
  64. Nutrition & Health with Foundation Year
  65. Nutrition and Dietetics
  66. Nutrition and Food Science
  67. Nutrition and Health
  68. Nutrition and Medical Sciences
  69. Nutrition and Sport & Exercise Science
  70. Nutrition Exercise and Health
  71. Nutrition with Professional Placement
  72. Nutritional Sciences
  73. Occupational Therapy
  74. Occupational Therapy (extended)
  75. Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration)
  76. Occupational Therapy - BSc
  77. Occupational Therapy BSc
  78. Occupational Therapy BSc (Hons)
  79. Ocean Science
  80. Operating Department Practice
  81. Operating Department Practice Studies
  82. Operating Department Practitioner
  83. Optometry
  84. Optometry with a Preliminary Year (4 years)
  85. Oral and Dental Health Sciences (Dental Hygiene and Therapy)
  86. Oral Health
  87. Oral Health Science
  88. Oral Health Sciences
  89. Orthoptics
  90. Osteopathic Medicine
  91. Osteopathy
  92. Paramedic Practice
  93. Paramedic Science
  94. Paramedic Science (Pre-registration)
  95. Paramedic Science (September entry) - Stafford
  96. Paramedic Science and Out of Hospital Care
  97. Paramedic Science BSc
  98. Paramedic Science BSc (Hons)
  99. Paramedic Science with Foundation Year
  100. Paramedic Science with Integrated Master's
  101. Paramedicine
  102. Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences Foundation Degree (Pre-Pharmacy)
  103. Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Science
  104. Pharmaceutical Biosciences
  105. Pharmaceutical Chemistry with Foundation
  106. Pharmaceutical Chemistry with Foundation Year
  107. Pharmaceutical Science
  108. Pharmaceutical Science with Foundation Year
  109. Pharmaceutical Science, Technology and Business
  110. Pharmaceutical Sciences
  111. Pharmacology
  112. Pharmacology (Foundation)
  113. Pharmacology (including foundation year)
  114. Pharmacology (with foundation year)
  115. Pharmacology and Physiology with Foundation
  116. Pharmacology with Foundation Year and Placement
  117. Pharmacy
  118. Pharmacy (4 years)
  119. Pharmacy (with Integrated Pre-registration Scheme)
  120. Pharmacy (with Preparatory Year)
  121. Pharmacy 5 years (including pre-registration training) MPharm (Hons)
  122. Pharmacy MPharm with Biopharmaceutics (Extended degree)
  123. Pharmacy with Foundation Year
  124. Pharmacy with Preparatory Year
  125. Philosophy
  126. Philosophy (with Foundation Year)
  127. Philosophy and Ethics and Psychology
  128. Philosophy and Modern Languages with a Year Abroad
  129. Philosophy and Politics
  130. Philosophy with a Foundation Year
  131. Philosophy with Languages and Cultures (German) (with a year abroad)
  132. Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
  133. Philosophy, Politics and Economics
  134. Philosophy/Politics (Equal)
  135. Physical Activity and Health Promotion
  136. Physical Activity, Nutrition and Health
  137. Physical Activity, Sport and Health
  138. Physical Education
  139. Physical Education (Accelerated)
  140. Physical Education and School Sport
  141. Physical Education and Sport
  142. Physical Education and Youth Sport
  143. Physical Education with QTS
  144. Physical Education, Sport and Youth Development
  145. Physical Geography
  146. Physician Associate Studies
  147. Physician Associate Studies (MPAS)
  148. Physician Associate Studies (MPAS, Undergraduate Entry)
  149. Physician Associate Studies (Undergraduate)
  150. Physician Associate Studies MPAS (Taught Postgraduate)
  151. Physics
  152. Physiological Science
  153. Physiological Sciences
  154. Physiology
  155. Physiology and Pharmacology (Foundation Entry)
  156. Physiotherapy
  157. Physiotherapy (Extended Degree)
  158. Physiotherapy (with Foundation Year)
  159. Physiotherapy BSc
  160. Physiotherapy BSc (Hons)
  161. Physiotherapy with Foundation Year
  162. Physiotherapy with Integrated Foundation Year
  163. Physiotherapy with Integrated Master's
  164. Physiotherapy with Integrated Masters
  165. Planetary Science with Astronomy
  166. Plant Biology
  167. Plant Science
  168. Plant Science with STEM Foundation Year
  169. Podiatry
  170. Policing
  171. Policing and Criminal Investigation
  172. Policing and Criminal Justice
  173. Policing and Criminology
  174. Policing and Investigations
  175. Policing, Law Enforcement and Investigation
  176. Political Economy
  177. Politics
  178. Politics and American Studies
  179. Politics and International Relations
  180. Politics and International Relations with Study Abroad (Cornwall Campus)
  181. Politics and International Studies
  182. Politics and Philosophy
  183. Politics and Sociology
  184. Politics with a Foundation Year
  185. Politics with International Relations
  186. Politics, Philosophy and Economics
  187. Politics, Sociology and East European Studies
  188. Population Health and Medical Sciences with a Foundation Year
  189. PR and Marketing Management
  190. Practical Filmmaking (2-Year)
  191. Primary (FS/KS1 with QTS)
  192. Primary (KS1/KS2 with QTS)
  193. Primary (Special Educational Needs with QTS)
  194. Primary and Early Years Education (3-11) with QTS
  195. Primary and Early Years Education (with Qualified Teacher Status)
  196. Primary and Early Years Education with QTS
  197. Primary Education
  198. Primary Education (3-11 age range) with QTS
  199. Primary Education (3-11) with recommendation for QTS
  200. Primary Education (3-7 and 7-11)
  201. Primary Education (5-11)
  202. Primary Education (5-11) with QTS
  203. Primary Education (5-11) with Qualified Teacher Status
  204. Primary Education (5-11) with recommendation for QTS
  205. Primary Education (Accelerated Degree)
  206. Primary Education (Early Years 3-7) with QTS
  207. Primary Education (Early Years 3-7) with recommendation for QTS
  208. Primary Education (Early Years) (with QTS)
  209. Primary Education (ITE)
  210. Primary Education (Later Years 5-11) with QTS
  211. Primary Education (QTS)
  212. Primary Education (QTS) KS1/KS2
  213. Primary Education (two-year accelerated degree)
  214. Primary Education (with QTS)
  215. Primary Education 3-7 with QTS
  216. Primary Education 5-11 with QTS
  217. Primary Education Studies
  218. Primary Education Studies (2 Year Accelerated Degree)
  219. Primary Education Studies (Accelerated)
  220. Primary Education Studies (Non QTS Accelerated Degree)
  221. Primary Education with Mathematics with QTS
  222. Primary Education with QTS
  223. Primary Education with QTS (5-11)
  224. Primary Education with QTS (3-7 years)
  225. Primary Education with QTS (ages 3-7)
  226. Primary Education with QTS (ages 5-11)
  227. Primary Education with Qualified Teacher Status
  228. Primary Education with Qualified Teacher Status (3-7) (5-11)
  229. Primary Education with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)
  230. Primary English Education with QTS
  231. Primary Mathematics Education with QTS
  232. Primary Teaching
  233. Primary Teaching (QTS)
  234. Primary Teaching with Early Years with QTS
  235. Professional Nursing (Adult) (February)
  236. Professional Nursing (Adult) (September)
  237. Professional Nursing (Learning Disability) (September)
  238. Professional Nursing (Mental Health)
  239. Professional Policing
  240. Professional Policing (Accelerated Route)
  241. Professional Practice in Health and Social Care
  242. Property Development and Planning
  243. Property Finance and Investment
  244. Property Management and Real Estate with Sandwich Placement
  245. Prosthetics and Orthotics
  246. Psychodynamic Practice
  247. Psychology
  248. Psychology & Counselling
  249. Psychology (2-year degree)
  250. Psychology (3 years or 4 years including Foundation)
  251. Psychology (4 years full time including sandwich year)
  252. Psychology (Clinical & Mental Health)
  253. Psychology (Counselling)
  254. Psychology (Distance Learning)
  255. Psychology (Educational and Developmental Psychology)
  256. Psychology (First Year Taught at Salford City College)
  257. Psychology (Forensic Psychology)
  258. Psychology (Sports Psychology)
  259. Psychology (with a professional placement year)
  260. Psychology (with Foundation Year)
  261. Psychology (with placement year)
  262. Psychology and Child Development
  263. Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience
  264. Psychology and Counselling
  265. Psychology and Counselling (with Placement Year)
  266. Psychology and Criminology
  267. Psychology and Criminology (with integrated year in industry)
  268. Psychology and Criminology with Foundation Year
  269. Psychology and Language Sciences
  270. Psychology and Neuroscience
  271. Psychology and Sociology
  272. Psychology Foundation Year
  273. Psychology in Education
  274. Psychology in Education BSc (Hons)
  275. Psychology integrated Masters
  276. Psychology of Sport
  277. Psychology with a Foundation Year
  278. Psychology with a Year Abroad
  279. Psychology with a Year in Professional Practice
  280. Psychology with Accelerated Foundation Year
  281. Psychology with Child Development
  282. Psychology with Clinical Approaches
  283. Psychology with Clinical Psychology
  284. Psychology with Clinical Psychology [with Placement Year]
  285. Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience
  286. Psychology with Counselling
  287. Psychology with Counselling (with placement year)
  288. Psychology with Counselling and Mental Health
  289. Psychology with Counselling and Psychotherapy
  290. Psychology with Counselling Studies
  291. Psychology with Criminology
  292. Psychology with Criminology & Criminal Justice
  293. Psychology with Criminology (4 years full time including sandwich year)
  294. Psychology with Criminology (with Foundation Year)
  295. Psychology with Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies
  296. Psychology with Education
  297. Psychology with Education Studies
  298. Psychology with Forensic Investigation
  299. Psychology with Forensic Psychology
  300. Psychology with Foundation
  301. Psychology with Foundation Year
  302. Psychology with Health and Wellbeing in Society
  303. Psychology with Neuroscience
  304. Psychology with optional placement year
  305. Psychology with Placement Year
  306. Psychology with Professional Placement
  307. Psychology with Sport and Exercise
  308. Psychology, Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience
  309. Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Mental Health
  310. Psychology, Counselling and Coaching
  311. Psychology, Counselling and Coaching BSc (Hons)
  312. Psychology, Counselling and Therapies
  313. Psychology, Development and Development Disorders
  314. Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counselling
  315. Psychology/Criminology
  316. Psychosocial Studies
  317. Psychotherapy and Counselling
  318. Psychotherapy and Counselling (Integrated Masters)
  319. Public Health
  320. Public Health (with Foundation Year)
  321. Public Health and Community Studies
  322. Public Health and Community Wellbeing
  323. Public Health and Community Wellbeing BSc (Hons)
  324. Public Health and Health Promotion
  325. Quantity Surveying
  326. Quantity Surveying & Commercial Management
  327. Quantity Surveying (with Foundation Year)
  328. Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management
  329. Quantity Surveying and Construction
  330. Quantity Surveying with Foundation Year
  331. Quantity Surveying with Professional Placement Year
  332. Quantity Surveying with Sandwich Placement
  333. Radiography (Diagnostic Imaging)
  334. Radiography (Diagnostic Imaging) with Foundation Year
  335. Radiography (Diagnostic Imaging) with optional foundation year
  336. Radiography (Radiotherapy and Oncology)
  337. Radiography (Radiotherapy and Oncology) with optional foundation year
  338. Radiotherapy
  339. Radiotherapy and Oncology
  340. Real Estate
  341. Real Estate and Property Management
  342. Real Estate Development and Management
  343. Real Estate Surveying (Asset Management)
  344. Real Estate Surveying (Asset Management) with Foundation Year
  345. Real Estate with a Foundation Year
  346. Real Estate with Foundation
  347. Real Estate with Professional Placement Year
  348. Registered Nurse (Adult)
  349. Rehabilitation Work (Visual Impairment)
  350. Religions, Theology and Ethics
  351. Rural Business Management
  352. Rural Land Management
  353. Science Education with Qualified Teacher Status
  354. Science Extended Degree leading to a BSc(Hons) Degree
  355. Science with Foundation Year
  356. Scots Law
  357. Security and Intelligence
  358. SFX Props & Modelmaking for Film and TV
  359. Social Anthropology
  360. Social Care and Community Practice
  361. Social Care and Health & Wellbeing
  362. Social Care and Health Studies
  363. Social Policy
  364. Social Policy and Politics
  365. Social Science
  366. Social Sciences
  367. Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities with Foundation Year
  368. Social Work
  369. Social Work (Qualified Status)
  370. Social Work and Applied Social Studies
  371. Social Work Practice
  372. Society, Culture and Media
  373. Sociology
  374. Sociology & Criminology
  375. Sociology and Criminology
  376. Sociology and Social Policy
  377. Sociology with Criminology with Foundation Year
  378. Sociology with Psychology
  379. Sociology with Social Sciences Foundation Year
  380. Software Engineering
  381. Software Engineering with Electronics
  382. Special Education (Online)
  383. Special Educational Needs and Disability Studies
  384. Special Educational Needs and Inclusion Studies
  385. Special Educational Needs, Disability & Inclusion
  386. Speech and Language Pathology
  387. Speech and Language Science
  388. Speech and Language Sciences
  389. Speech and Language Therapy
  390. Speech and Language Therapy with Foundation Year
  391. Sport & Exercise Psychology
  392. Sport & Exercise Science
  393. Sport & Exercise Sciences
  394. Sport & Physical Education
  395. Sport and Exercise Medical Sciences
  396. Sport and Exercise Medical Sciences with Professional Training Year
  397. Sport and Exercise Nutrition
  398. Sport and Exercise Psychology
  399. Sport and Exercise Rehabilitation
  400. Sport and Exercise Science
  401. Sport and Exercise Science (Nutrition)
  402. Sport and Exercise Science (Strength and Conditioning)
  403. Sport and Exercise Science (with Foundation Study)
  404. Sport and Exercise Science with Foundation Year
  405. Sport and Exercise Sciences
  406. Sport and Exercise Therapy
  407. Sport and Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation
  408. Sport and Exercise Therapy with Placement
  409. Sport and Physical Education
  410. Sport and Rehabilitation Therapy
  411. Sport Business
  412. Sport Business Management
  413. Sport Coaching
  414. Sport Coaching and Development
  415. Sport Development with Coaching
  416. Sport Management
  417. Sport Management (3 years or 4 years with Foundation)
  418. Sport Media
  419. Sport Nutrition
  420. Sport Performance Analysis
  421. Sport Psychology
  422. Sport Rehabilitation
  423. Sport Rehabilitation and Conditioning
  424. Sport Science and Coaching
  425. Sport Science, Health and Nutrition
  426. Sport Science, Physical Education and Coaching
  427. Sport Therapy and Rehabilitation
  428. Sport, Coaching and Physical Education
  429. Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
  430. Sport, Exercise and Nutrition
  431. Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences
  432. Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences (Physical Ed
  433. Sport, Physical Education and Health
  434. Sports & Exercise Therapy
  435. Sports and Exercise Science
  436. Sports and Exercise Therapy
  437. Sports Business and Entrepreneurship
  438. Sports Business Management
  439. Sports Coaching
  440. Sports Coaching and Performance Science
  441. Sports Development and Coaching
  442. Sports Injury Rehabilitation
  443. Sports Journalism
  444. Sports Management
  445. Sports Management and Development
  446. Sports Performance Analysis and Talent Identification
  447. Sports Rehabilitation
  448. Sports Science
  449. Sports Therapy
  450. Sports Therapy (with Foundation Year)
  451. Sports Therapy and Injury Rehabilitation
  452. Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation
  453. Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation BSc (Hons)
  454. Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation with a Year in Industry
  455. Strength and Conditioning
  456. Strength and Conditioning Science
  457. Strength, Conditioning and Rehabilitation
  458. Strength, Conditioning and Sports Nutrition
  459. Studies in Primary Education
  460. Sustainability and Environmental Management
  461. Television Production
  462. TESOL and Japanese
  463. TESOL and Korean
  464. Theatre, Film and Media Studies
  465. Theology and Religion
  466. Therapeutic Radiography
  467. Therapeutic Radiography and Oncology
  468. Tourism Management
  469. Translation, Media and Modern Language
  470. Urban Planning
  471. Urban Planning and Development
  472. Veterinary Biosciences
  473. Veterinary Biosciences with Foundation Year
  474. Veterinary Medicine
  475. Veterinary Medicine and Science
  476. Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
  477. Veterinary Nursing
  478. Veterinary Nursing and Companion Animal Behaviour
  479. Veterinary Physiotherapy
  480. Veterinary Physiotherapy (with Placement)
  481. Veterinary Science
  482. Virtual Production
  483. Wildlife and Practical Conservation
  484. Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Science
  485. Wildlife, Ecology and Conservation Science
  486. Working With Children and Families
  487. Working with Children, Young People & Families
  488. Working with Children, Young People and Families
  489. Working with Vulnerable Children & Families
  490. Writing and Film
  491. Zoo Biology
  492. Zoological Management
  493. Zoology
  494. Zoology (with integrated year in industry)
  495. Zoology (with Sandwich placement)
  496. Zoology with a Year in Industry
  497. Zoology with Animal Behaviour (with Placement)
  498. Zoology with Foundation Year
  499. Zoology with Placement Year
  500. Zoology with Professional Placement

The website and materials were easy to navigate and the Facebook group gave me extra reassurance and support.

The tutors were supportive, patient and most importantly motivated me to carry on when I found it tough. I would highly recommend them to anyone needing to gain an extra qualification to achieve their dream career. Emily


The learning materials were excellent and they exceeded my expectations. I would like to thank my family and the tutors for their amazing support.

I am happy to say to have secured a place to study a Nursing Degree this September. I cannot recommend them enough. Yannick


The course is excellently written with information perfectly explained for those who have been out of education.

I completed mine whilst working full time, undergoing several overseas military deployments in support of the COVID pandemic. I could not have done this without them, my tutors were with me every step of the way! John


Support of tutors, & the wider student community were fundamental in enabling me to overcome adversity. The peer support of fellow students proved a wonderful resource. People of all ages & backgrounds united in their desire to study & self-develop, quick to offer help & encouragement. So I became active in supporting others through the Facebook Group. Richard


I have dyslexia. They suited all my needs. It was flexible, affordable, and the modules offered would provide me with the fundamental basics to study a Law degree.

They did more than help me get into my dream Russell Group university studying Law. The whole experience finally made me feel academically worthy. Sam


Tutors and staff have been fantastic in helping me achieve the grades I need, as well as any other situations I needed support with.

I applied to 2 universities and have received conditional offers from both.

I have achieved more credits than the offer requires, it wouldn't have been possible without them. Aaliya


I loved the flexibility that comes with the course and the outstanding tutors.

I have since been offered a place from two universities to study a BSc in Adult Nursing.

It is in this regard that I strongly recommend them without hesitation for any person who would like to reboot their career. Mehluli


I was very nervous about beginning my studies as I thought that Access to HE Diplomas were aimed at mature students, being 17 at the time of beginning my studies. But I was so wrong!

The Diploma is for anyone wanting to enter higher education. The staff, and my tutors especially, couldn't have been more accommodating and supportive. Beth


From day one I found my tutors to be incredibly friendly, supportive and accessible. They encourage independent learning, but are always there to give guidance and answer questions of any kind.

The learning materials are brilliant; extremely thorough and logically laid out in topics and sub-topics, so you move smoothly through. Victoria


The materials were easy to follow. I received advice from others via the Facebook page & from my personal tutor, who was always so quick to answer any questions. During the modules, I developed my research methods & even my English improved. I am far more confident in finding the pros & cons of every theory. I now feel I am in a far better position & I am currently enrolled on an LLB Qualifying Law degree. Sean


They stood out for me because of their flexibility and affordability.

Enrolling to study remotely for a science course, was overwhelmingly nerve-wracking but my tutors were very kind, supportive and helpful. Their support allowed me to excel and achieve high grades. I have now secured a place at a university. Fanny
