- 3D Design and Craft
- Accountancy
- Accountancy and Finance
- Accounting
- Accounting and Management
- Accounting & Finance
- Accounting (Pathways)
- Accounting and Business Management
- Accounting and Finance
- Accounting and Finance (Extended)
- Accounting and Finance (Including Placement Year)
- Accounting and Finance (with a placement year)
- Accounting and Finance (with a professional placement year)
- Accounting and Finance (with Placement)
- Accounting and Finance (with Professional Exemptions ACCA, CIMA, CPA)
- Accounting and Finance (with Professional Placement Year)
- Accounting and Finance and Economics with a Year in Industry
- Accounting and Finance with a year in Industry
- Accounting and Finance with Internship
- Accounting and Financial Management (with placement year)
- Accounting and Management
- Accounting and Management With Placement Experience
- Accounting with Corporate Finance
- Accounting, Business Finance & Management with a Year in Industry
- Accounting, Business Finance and Management
- Acting (International)
- Acting and Performance
- Acting and Theatre Arts
- Adult and Mental Health Nursing
- Adult Nursing
- Adult Nursing (Blended Learning)
- Adult Nursing (Blended)
- Adult Nursing (Distance Learning)
- Adult Nursing (including Foundation Year)
- Adult Nursing (January)
- Adult Nursing (January) with Foundation Year
- Adult Nursing (September)
- Adult Nursing (with Foundation Year)
- Adult Nursing Practice
- Adult Nursing with Foundation Year
- Advanced Psychology
- Advertising
- Aerospace Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering with Foundation Year
- Aesthetic Practitioner
- Air Transport with Commercial Pilot Training
- Ambulance Clinical Technician Practice
- American and Canadian Studies
- Anatomical Sciences
- Anatomy and Human Biology
- Anatomy, Developmental and Human Biology
- Ancient History and Philosophy
- Animal Behaviour
- Animal Behaviour and Conservation
- Animal Behaviour and Conservation with Foundation Year
- Animal Behaviour and Welfare
- Animal Behaviour with Foundation Year
- Animal Biology
- Animal Conservation Science
- Animal Conservation Science (with Sandwich Year)
- Animal Therapy
- Anthropology
- Anthropology and Visual Practice
- Anthropology with a Year Abroad
- Anthropology with Study Abroad
- Applied Anatomy
- Applied Biomedical Science
- Applied Biomedical Science (Pathology) with placement year
- Applied Biosciences
- Applied Biosciences (Rescheduled)
- Applied Biosciences Foundation Year
- Applied Biosciences Foundation Year (Rescheduled)
- Applied Biosciences with Foundation Year
- Applied Business (Management)
- Applied Cyber Security
- Applied Humanities
- Applied Medical Sciences
- Applied Medical Sciences with a Foundation Year
- Applied Physics
- Applied Psychology (Clinical)
- Applied Psychology and Criminology
- Applied Sciences Foundation Year
- Applied Sport and Exercise Science
- Applied Sports Science
- Arabic and Global Development
- Arabic and Islamic Studies
- Archaeology
- Archaeology (Science)
- Archaeology (with a placement year)
- Archaeology and Anthropology
- Archaeology with Forensic Science with Employment Experience Abroad
- Archaeology, Anthropology, and Art History with a Year Abroad
- Architectural Design and Technology
- Architectural Design Technology with Foundation Year
- Architectural Design Technology with Sandwich Placement
- Architectural Engineering
- Architectural Studies
- Architectural Technology
- Architecture
- Architecture / Architecture (International) (RIBA Part 1)
- Architecture and Environmental Engineering (with Foundation Year)
- Architecture and Urban Planning
- Architecture with Foundation Year
- Art History and Language (French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish)
- Art History and Visual Culture
- Arts and Humanities with Foundation Year
- Arts and Sciences
- Asia Pacific Studies - Japanese
- Asia Pacific Studies - Korean
- Asia Pacific Studies and Japanese
- Assistant Practitioner
- Associate Ambulance Practice
- Audio and Music Technology
- Audiology
- Aviation and Airport Management
- Aviation Management
- Aviation Management (3 years or 4 years with Foundation)
- Aviation Technology with Pilot Studies and Management
- BA (Hons) Primary Education with Qualified Teacher Status [QTS] (5-11)*
- BA Business Management (Project Management)
- BA Hons Marketing & Brand Management
- Banking and Finance
- BEd Primary Education
- Behavioural Sciences
- Biochemistry
- Biochemistry and Human Biology
- Biochemistry with a Foundation Year
- Biochemistry with Medical Biochemistry
- Biochemistry with Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
- Biological and Forensic Sciences
- Biological and Medicinal Chemistry
- Biological Science
- Biological Sciences
- Biological Sciences (Zoology)
- Biological Sciences with a Foundation Year
- Biological Sciences with Foundation
- Biological Sciences with Foundation Year
- Biological Sciences with Integrated Foundation Year
- Biology
- Biology and Climate Change
- Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences with Foundation Year
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering (with Foundation Year)
- Biomedical Engineering (with Foundation Year) FT
- Biomedical Engineering with a Foundation Year
- Biomedical Engineering with Foundation Year
- Biomedical Science
- Biomedical Science (3 Years or 4 Years including Foundation)
- Biomedical Science (Foundation)
- Biomedical Science (including foundation year)
- Biomedical Science (Including Placement Year)
- Biomedical Science (with foundation year)
- Biomedical Science (with Placement year)
- Biomedical Science (with placement)
- Biomedical Science BSc
- Biomedical Science with an Industrial Placement Year
- Biomedical Science with Foundation Year
- Biomedical Science with Integrated Foundation Year
- Biomedical Science with Placement
- Biomedical Science with placement year
- Biomedical Science with Professional Placement
- Biomedical Sciences
- Biomedical Sciences (4 years) [MSci]
- Biomedical Sciences (Foundation Entry)
- Biomedical Sciences (Integrated Masters)
- Biomedical Sciences (Sandwich)
- Biomedical Sciences with Foundation Year
- Biomedical Sciences with Professional Experience
- Biomedical Sciences with Professional Placement
- Biomedicine
- Biomedicine with Foundation Year
- Bioscience
- Bioscience and Health with Foundation Year
- Biotechnology
- BMid (Hons) Midwifery with Registered Midwife
- BSc Biomedical Science
- BSc Human Sciences
- BSc Medical Physiology
- BSc Midwifery (Long)
- BSc Nursing (Mental Health)
- BSc(Hons) Nursing (Adult) [Stockport NHS Foundation Trust]
- Building Surveying
- Building Surveying (with Placement year)
- Building Surveying with Foundation
- Business
- Business & Management
- Business & Management (Finance)
- Business (Online)
- Business Accounting with Finance
- Business Analytics
- Business and Events Management
- Business and Finance
- Business and Laws with Industrial Placement
- Business and Management
- Business and Management (Entrepreneurship)
- Business and Management (Festivals and Events)
- Business and Management (Marketing)
- Business and Management (Marketing) (3 years or 4 years with Foundation)
- Business and Management Studies
- Business and Management with Foundation Year
- Business and Marketing
- Business and Psychology - Two-year Accelerated Degree
- Business Economics
- Business Economics (4 years full time including sandwich year)
- Business Economics with a Year in Industry
- Business Enterprise and Innovation
- Business Finance
- Business Finance with Professional Placement Year
- Business Management
- Business Management (Blended)
- Business Management (Entrepreneurship)
- Business Management (Human Resource Management)
- Business Management (including Foundation Year)
- Business Management (Industry)
- Business Management (Marketing)
- Business Management (Project Management)
- Business Management and English Language
- Business Management and Entrepreneurship
- Business Management and Marketing
- Business Management with Entrepreneurship
- Business Management with Entrepreneurship with Placement
- Business Management with Finance
- Business Management with Foundation year
- Business Management with Law
- Business Management with Marketing
- Business Management with Placement
- Business Management with Sport with Professional Placement Year
- Business Management with Supply Chain Management & Logistics
- Business Psychology
- Business Studies
- Business Studies and Law
- Business with Digital Marketing
- Business with Finance
- Business with International Business Management
- Business with Marketing
- Business with/without specialisms
- Business, Management, Economics & Law with Foundation Year
- Cancer Biology and Immunology
- Cardiac Physiology
- Cellular and Molecular Medicine
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering with Foundation Year
- Chemistry
- Chemistry for Drug Discovery and Development
- Chemistry with a year abroad
- Chemistry with a Year in Industry
- Chemistry with a year in York
- Chemistry with Biomedicine
- Chemistry with Foundation
- Chemistry with Foundation Year
- Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry
- Chemistry with Study Abroad
- Child Nursing
- Child Nursing (January)
- Child Nursing (September)
- Child/Mental Health
- Childhood & Youth and Social Care
- Childhood & Youth Studies
- Childhood and Early Years Studies
- Childhood and Psychology
- Childhood and Youth Studies
- Childhood and Youth Studies with Psychology
- Childhood and Youth: Theory and Practice
- Childhood Studies
- Childhood Studies with Study Abroad
- Childhood, Youth and Education Studies
- Childhood: Health and Wellbeing
- Childhood: Primary Education with QTS
- Children and Young People's Nursing
- Children's and Young People's Nursing
- Children's Nursing
- Children's Nursing (Distance Learning)
- Children, Young People and Families
- Children, Young People and Society
- Chinese or Japanese Studies
- Chiropractic
- Chiropractic (with Integrated Masters)
- Clinical Herbalism
- Clinical Nutrition
- Clinical Optometry
- Clinical Psychology
- Clinical Technology
- Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience
- Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology with Industrial/Professional Experience
- Collaborative Health and Social Care
- Commercial Management and Quantity Surveying (with placement year)
- Commercial Songwriting
- Common Law
- Community Football Coaching and Development
- Community Health and Well Being
- Community Policing and Criminal Investigation
- Computer and Information Technology (with Foundation Year)
- Computer Games Design
- Computer Games Programming
- Computer Games Programming and Design
- Computer Games Technology
- Computer Networks and Security
- Computer Science
- Computer Science (with a Year in Industry)
- Computer Science (with integrated year in industry)
- Computer Science for Games
- Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Science with Foundation
- Computer Science with Foundation Year
- Computer Science with Industrial Placement
- Computer Science with Study Abroad
- Computer Science with Year in Industry
- Computing
- Computing Sciences (with a foundation year)
- Computing with Foundation Year
- Conservation Biology
- Conservation Biology and Ecology
- Conservation Science and Animal Management (Wildlife and Zoo)
- Construction and the Built Environment - HNC
- Construction Management
- Construction Management (with Foundation Year)
- Construction Management and Surveying
- Construction Management with Sandwich Placement
- Construction Project Management
- Consumer Behaviour and Marketing
- Content Creation
- Cosmetic Science
- Counselling
- Counselling and Psychotherapy (Person Centred)
- Counselling and Psychotherapy (Professional Practice)
- Counselling Psychology
- Counselling, Coaching and Mentoring
- Countryside Management
- Creative and Professional Writing
- Creative Writing
- Creative Writing (Multidiscipline)
- Creative Writing (Multidiscipline) with Foundation Year
- Creative Writing (online)
- Creative Writing and English
- Creative Writing and English Literature
- Creative Writing and Film Studies
- Creative Writing and Publishing
- Creative Writing and Screenwriting
- Crime and Investigative Studies
- Crime and Security Science
- Criminal and Corporate Investigation
- Criminal Investigation with Psychology with Placement
- Criminological and Forensic Psychology
- Criminology
- Criminology & Criminal Justice and Law
- Criminology (including foundation year)
- Criminology (Policing and Investigations)
- Criminology (Policing and Investigations) with FY
- Criminology (with Foundation Year)
- Criminology and Criminal Behaviour
- Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Criminology and Criminal Justice (with Foundation Year)
- Criminology and Criminal Justice and Law with Foundation Year
- Criminology and Criminal Psychology
- Criminology and Forensic Science
- Criminology and Forensic Studies
- Criminology and Law
- Criminology and Policing
- Criminology and Psychology
- Criminology and Psychology (Professional Placement Year)
- Criminology and Psychology with a Year in Industry
- Criminology and Social Care
- Criminology and Social Policy
- Criminology and Sociology
- Criminology and Sociology (Foundation)
- Criminology with Criminal Justice with Foundation Year
- Criminology with Forensic Psychology
- Criminology with Forensic Science
- Criminology with Foundation
- Criminology with Foundation Year
- Criminology with Law
- Criminology with Policing
- Criminology with Psychology
- Criminology with Psychology (with Foundation Year)
- Criminology with Social Psychology
- Criminology with Study Abroad
- Criminology with Year Abroad
- Critical Approaches to Counselling & Psychotherapy
- Cyber Security
- Cyber Security & Digital Forensics
- Cyber Security (professional placement year)
- Cyber Security (with a Placement Year)
- Cyber Security (with placement)
- Cyber Security and Digital Forensics
- Cyber Security and Forensics
- Cyber Security with Foundation
- Cyber Security with Foundation Year
- Cybersecurity
- Dental Hygiene
- Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy
- Dental Hygiene and Therapy
- Dental Nursing
- Dental Surgery
- Dental Therapy
- Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene
- Dental Therapy and Hygiene
- Design for Future Living
- Developmental Biology with Industrial/Professional Experience
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Diagnostic Radiography
- Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging
- Diagnostic Radiography and Medical Imaging
- Diagnostic Radiography BSc
- Diagnostic Radiography BSc/MSci
- Diagnostic Radiography with Foundation Year
- Dietetics
- Dietetics and Human Nutrition
- Dietetics and Nutrition (4 years)
- Digital Film Production
- Digital Forensics and Cyber Security
- Digital Games Development
- Digital Marketing
- Digital Marketing & Social Media (with Professional Practice Year)
- Digital Marketing and Advertising
- Digital Media and Communications
- Digital Media and Communications (Foundation)
- Digital Media Production
- Drama and Contemporary Performance
- Drama and Film
- Drama: Education & Community
- Early Childhood
- Early Childhood and Education Studies
- Early Childhood and Special Educational Needs
- Early Childhood Education and Care
- Early Childhood Education and Care: Leadership and Management
- Early Childhood Studies
- Early Childhood Studies (Early Years Practitioner Status)
- Early Childhood Studies (Graduate Practitoner)
- Early Childhood Studies (Online)
- Early Childhood Studies With Early Years Practitioner Status
- Early Education Primary (3-7) with QTS
- Early Years and Childhood Studies
- Early Years Childhood Studies
- Early Years Development and Learning
- Early Years Education and Professional Practice
- Early Years Education with QTS
- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Earth Sciences
- Ecological and Environmental Sciences with Management
- Ecology
- Ecology and Conservation
- Ecology and Conservation Biology
- Ecology and Environmental Biology
- Ecology and Environmental Science
- Ecology and Environmental Science (with placement)
- Ecology and Wildlife Conservation
- Ecology, Conservation and Environment
- Economics
- Economics (4 years full time including sandwich year)
- Economics (SocSci)
- Economics and Finance
- Economics and Management
- Economics and Politics
- Economics including Foundation Year
- Economics, Finance and Banking
- Economics, Finance and International Business
- Education
- Education (Special Educational Needs and Inclusion)
- Education and Japanese
- Education and Korean
- Education and Learning
- Education and Learning - Foundation Degree (FdA)
- Education and Primary Studies
- Education and Psychology
- Education and Special Educational Needs
- Education Practice
- Education Studies
- Education Studies (Online)
- Education Studies and Psychology
- Education Studies and Psychology (Professional Placement Year)
- Education Studies and Theology, Philosophy & Ethics
- Education Studies with Psychology
- Education with Autism, Disability and Special Educational Needs
- Education with Psychology (Full-Time)
- Education with Psychology with placement year (Full-Time)
- Education, Psychology and Special Educational Needs
- Education, SEN and Mental Health
- Education: Primary and Early Years
- Educational Psychology
- Educational Psychology (Professional Placement Year)
- Engineering and Applied Science Foundation Programme
- Engineering and Physical Sciences with Foundation Year
- Engineering and Technology with Foundation Year
- Engineering with a Foundation Year
- Engineering with Foundation Year
- English
- English (with a study abroad year)
- English and American Literature
- English and Comparative Literature
- English and Creative Writing
- English and Drama
- English and History
- English and Journalism
- English Language
- English Language and Creative Writing
- English Language and Linguistics
- English Language and Linguistics and Korean
- English Language and Linguistics with Foundation Year
- English Language and Linguistics with Intercalated Year
- English Language and Literature
- English Language and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
- English Literature
- English Literature (Professional Placement Year)
- English Literature and Creative Writing
- English Literature and Language with Foundation Year with optional TESOL pathway
- English Literature and Language with optional TESOL pathway
- English Literature and Psychology
- English Literature and Theatre Studies
- English Literature with Creative Writing
- English Studies
- English with a Year Abroad
- English with Creative Writing
- English with Study in North America
- English/History of Art (Equal)
- Environmental Earth Sciences
- Environmental Geoscience
- Environmental Health
- Environmental Health Science
- Environmental Management
- Environmental Management and Sustainability
- Environmental Science
- Environmental Science (Sandwich)
- Environmental Science (Study Abroad)
- Environmental Science (with Placement Year)
- Environmental Science and Sustainability
- Environmental Science with Foundation Year
- Environmental Science with Industrial Experience
- Equine Science & Coaching
- Esports
- Esports - Staffordshire University London
- Events & Festivals Management (with Integrated Foundation Year)
- Events & Festivals Management (with Professional Practice Year)
- Events Management
- Exercise and Sport Sciences
- Exercise, Nutrition and Health
- Exploration Geology
- Fashion and Dress History
- Fashion Business (Accelerated Degree)
- Fashion Business and Management
- Fashion Buying and Brand Management
- Fashion Buying and Merchandising
- Fashion Buying with Merchandising
- Fashion Communication with Business Studies
- Fashion Management
- Fashion Management and Marketing
- Fashion Marketing
- Fashion Marketing and Business Management
- Fashion Marketing and Consumer Behaviour
- Film
- Film and Media Studies
- Film and Screen Studies
- Film and Television Production
- Film Business & Production
- Film Production
- Film Studies
- Film, Television and Digital Production
- Filmmaking
- Finance
- Finance (with Professional Placement)
- Finance and Business
- Finance and Economics (with a placement year)
- Finance and Investment
- Finance and Investment Management
- Finance with a Year in Industry
- Finance with Foundation
- Finance, Accounting and Management
- Finance, Accounting and Management with a Placement Year
- Finance, Investment & Risk
- Finance: Investment Banking with Industrial Experience
- Financial Economics (4 years full time including sandwich year)
- Financial Economics (Including Placement Year)
- Finnish and French
- Flexible Combined Honours
- Flexible Combined Honours with Study Abroad
- Food and Nutrition with placement year
- Food Innovation Management with pathways in Technology and Nutrition
- Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition with Professional Studies
- Food Science
- Food Science and Nutrition
- Food Technology with Nutrition (with Placement)
- Food with Nutrition
- Football Business and Finance
- Forensic & Applied Biology
- Forensic Accounting (Sandwich)
- Forensic and Analytical Science
- Forensic and Criminological Psychology (with a Placement Year)
- Forensic and Medical Sciences (with a placement year)
- Forensic Investigation
- Forensic Investigations
- Forensic Psychology
- Forensic Psychology (Professional Placement Year)
- Forensic Psychology and Criminal Justice
- Forensic Science
- Forensic Science (Foundation Entry)
- Forensic Science (with Foundation Year)
- Forensic Science and Chemical Analysis
- Forensic Science and Chemical Analysis (Foundation Entry)
- Forensic Science and Criminal Investigation
- Forensic Science with a Year Abroad
- Forensic Science with Foundation Year
- Forensic Science with Industrial Placement
- Forensic Sciences
- Forensics, Policing and Investigations
- Foundation Degree Health and Social Care Practice - Tresham
- Foundation Degree Science Nursing Associate
- Foundation in Clinical Sciences and Medicine leading to BSc Clinical Sciences
- Foundation in Law
- Foundation Year
- Foundation Year in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
- French
- French and Hispanic Studies
- French Studies
- Future Media Production (with Foundation Year)
- Game Design
- Games Computing
- Games Design
- Games Design (with Foundation Year option)
- Games Design and Development
- Games Technology
- Games Technology (with Foundation Year)
- Geography
- Geography (fast-track)
- Geography (International)
- Geography with a Year Abroad
- Geography with Business Management
- Geological Oceanography
- Geology
- Geology with Study Abroad
- Global Development
- Global Health and Social Medicine
- Graduate Entry Medicine
- Guidance and Counselling
- Health & Social Care
- Health & Society
- Health & Wellbeing
- Health and Exercise Science
- Health and Exercise Science with Foundation Year
- Health and Human Sciences
- Health and Social Care
- Health and Social Care (2 years or 3 years including Foundation)
- Health and Social Care (3 Years or 4 Years including Foundation)
- Health and Social Care (with Foundation Year)
- Health and Social Care Practice
- Health and Social Care with Foundation Year
- Health and Social Science
- Health and Wellbeing in Society
- Health and Wellbeing Practitioner
- Health Foundation Pathway leading to a BSc(Hons) Degree
- Health Physiology
- Health Professions (Foundation Year)
- Health Sciences
- Health Studies
- Health, Education and Social Care Foundation Year
- Health, Education and Wellbeing (Foundation Year)
- Healthcare Science
- Healthcare Science (Audiology)
- Healthcare Science (Cardiac Physiology)
- Healthcare Science (Neurophysiology)
- Healthcare Science (Physiological Science)
- Healthcare Science (Physiological Sciences)
- Healthcare Science (Physiological Sciences) BSc
- Healthcare with Foundation Year
- Hearing Aid Audiology
- Hispanic Studies with Business Management
- History
- History (Foundation)
- History and Sociology
- History of Art
- History of Art and Japanese
- Horticulture (with Foundation Year)
- Human Biology
- Human Biology (with placement year)
- Human Biology and Infectious Diseases
- Human Biosciences
- Human Geography
- Human Neuroscience
- Human Nutrition
- Human Nutrition (including foundation year)
- Human Nutrition and Dietetics
- Human Nutrition and Health
- Human Nutrition with placement year
- Human Physiology
- Human Resource Management
- Human Resources and Business Management
- Human Sciences
- Human, Social, and Political Sciences
- Immunology
- Initial Year for Extended Degree in Science - Biological Science
- Initial Year for Extended Degree in Science - Subjects Allied to Medicine
- Initial Year for Extended Degree Science- BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTHCARE SCIENCE
- Initial Year Science Optometry
- Integrated Health and Social Care
- Integrated Health and Social Care with Foundation Year
- Interdisciplinary Science with Foundation Year
- Interior Architecture and Design
- Interior Architecture and Design with Foundation Year
- International Business
- International Business (with a professional placement year)
- International Business (with a study abroad year)
- International Business and Finance
- International Business and Management
- International Business Management
- International Business with a Year in Industry
- International Business with Professional Placement Year
- International Development
- International Development with a Language
- International Development with a Year Abroad
- International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Response
- International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Response and Arabic
- International History and Politics
- International Hospitality Business Management
- International Hospitality Management
- International Law
- International Law and Globalisation
- International Management
- International Marketing
- International Politics
- International Relations
- International Relations and Development
- International Relations and Diplomacy (Hague Exchange)
- International Relations and Diplomacy (with optional Hague Exchange)
- International Relations and Global Development
- International Relations and Korean
- International Relations and Politics
- International Relations and Politics (with a language)
- International Relations with a Language
- International Relations with a Year Abroad
- International Relations with Business Management
- International Security Studies
- International Social and Public Policy with Politics
- International Tourism Management
- International Wildlife Biology
- Introduction to Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiography
- Introduction to Health Sciences
- Investment and Finance in Property
- Investment and Financial Risk Management
- Japanese
- Japanese Studies
- Japanese Studies (with Year Abroad)
- Japanese Studies with International Experience
- Japanese, Intercultural Communication and Linguistics
- Japanese, TESOL and Linguistics
- Joint Honours Psychology and Biology
- Journalism
- Journalism and Media
- Journalism Studies
- Journalism with Public Relations
- Journalism, Media and Culture
- Journalism, Politics and History
- Korean
- Korean Studies
- Korean, TESOL and Linguistics
- Land Economy
- Law
- Law (2-year degree)
- Law (Accelerated Programme)
- Law (Accelerated)
- Law (European and International)
- Law (with Foundation Year)
- Law (with Integrated Foundation Year)
- Law (with placement year)
- Law and Commercial Law
- Law and Criminology
- Law and Legal Practice
- Law and Politics
- Law LLB
- Law LLB (Hons)
- Law LLB with Business
- Law LLB with Foundation Year
- Law with a Year Abroad
- Law with a Year in Industry
- Law with Accounting and Finance
- Law with American Studies (with a study abroad year)
- Law with Business
- Law with Business and Management
- Law with Business Law
- Law with Criminal Justice
- Law with Criminal Justice and Human Rights
- Law with Criminology
- Law with Foundation
- Law with Foundation Year
- Law with Integrated Foundation Year
- Law with International Arbitration & Commercial Law
- Law with International Business
- Law with International Relations
- Law with Modern Languages (French)
- Law with Politics
- Law with Politics and Human Rights
- Law with Professional Experience
- Law with Professional Experience Year
- Law/MLaw
- Learning and Teaching
- Learning Disabilities Nursing
- Learning Disabilities Nursing and Social Work (Integrated Practice)
- Learning Disability Nursing
- Learning Disability Nursing Practice
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Ling and Lang/Cult
- Linguistics
- Linguistics and French
- Linguistics and Modern Languages & Cultures
- Linguistics and Russian
- LLB Law
- LLB Law with Criminology
- LLB Law with Foundation Year
- LLB Law with Professional Placement
- Management
- Management (Accounting and Finance)
- Management (Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship)
- Management (Marketing)
- Management and Entrepreneurship
- Management with Entrepreneurship
- Management with Marketing
- Manchester City Community Football Coaching
- Marine and Freshwater Biology
- Marine and Natural History Photography
- Marine Biology
- Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology
- Marine Biology and Oceanography
- Marine Environmental Science
- Marine Geography
- Marine Science and Conservation
- Marketing
- Marketing & Advertising
- Marketing & Advertising With Business Experience
- Marketing and Advertising with Professional Placement Year
- Marketing and Brand Management
- Marketing and Management
- Marketing and Public Relations
- Marketing and Sports Communication (with Placement Year)
- Marketing Communications with Public Relations
- Marketing Management
- Marketing with a Year Abroad
- Master of Chiropractic
- Master of Nursing (Adult and Mental Health Dual Registration)
- Master of Nursing Adult
- Master of Optometry (MOptom)
- Masters in Midwifery
- Mathematics with Foundation Year
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering (Foundation)
- Mechanical Engineering (with Foundation Year option)
- Mechanical Engineering (with foundation year)
- Mechanical Engineering with a Foundation Year
- Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year
- Media and Communications
- Media and English
- Media and Journalism
- Media Communications and Culture
- Media, Journalism and Publishing
- Medical Biochemistry
- Medical Biochemistry (4 years) [MSci]
- Medical Biochemistry with Industrial/Professional Experience
- Medical Biology
- Medical Biology with foundation year
- Medical Bioscience
- Medical Genetics
- Medical Imaging (Diagnostic Radiography)
- Medical Microbiology
- Medical Neuroscience
- Medical Pharmacology
- Medical Physiology
- Medical Physiology (with Foundation Year)
- Medical Physiology and Diagnostics
- Medical Physiology with Foundation Year
- Medical Science
- Medical Sciences
- Medical Sciences (Foundation Entry)
- Medical Sciences (Foundation Year)
- Medical Sciences (with Foundation Year)
- Medicine
- Medicine (Graduate Entry)
- Medicine (MBBS)
- Medicine - MBChB Standard entry
- Medicine and Surgery
- Medicine with Foundation Year
- Mental Health Nursing
- Mental Health Nursing (Extended Degree)
- Mental Health Nursing (January)
- Mental Health Nursing (January) with Foundation Year
- Mental Health Nursing (September)
- Mental Health Nursing (September) with Foundation Year
- Mental Health Nursing (with Foundation Year)
- Mental Health Nursing Practice
- Mental Health Nursing with Foundation Year
- Mental Health, Wellbeing & Society
- Microbiology
- Microbiology and Molecular Biology
- Midwifery
- Midwifery (Blended Learning)
- Midwifery (January)
- Midwifery (Long)
- Midwifery (MSc)
- Midwifery (Pre-Registration)
- Midwifery (Registered Midwife)
- Midwifery (with Foundation Year)
- Midwifery April Entry
- Midwifery March Entry
- Midwifery Practice
- Midwifery Registered Midwife
- Midwifery Studies
- Midwifery Studies (Postgraduate Entry)
- Midwifery Studies BSc (Hons)
- Midwifery Studies MSc (Hons) Postgraduate Entry
- Midwifery Studies Postgraduate Entry
- Midwifery Studies with Registration as a Midwife
- Midwifery Studies, Registered Midwife
- Midwifery with Leadership
- Midwifery with NMC Registration
- Midwifery with Public Health
- Midwifery with Public Health (September)
- Midwifery with Registered Midwife
- Midwifery with Registration as a Midwife
- Midwifery: Registered Midwife
- Mining Engineering
- MLaw (four-year integrated Masters)
- MLaw (Solicitors' Practice) - 4 Year Integrated Masters
- MMid Midwifery with Registered Midwife for Graduates
- MN Integrated Masters (Adult Nursing)
- MNurs Nursing Adult and Child (Dual Field)
- MNurse (Adult/Mental Health)
- MNurse (Child/Mental Health)
- Modern History and English Literature - Two-year Accelerated Degree
- Modern Languages
- Modern Languages (4 years)
- Modern Languages and Teaching English as a Foreign Language
- Modern Languages with Foundation Year
- Molecular Biology and Genetics
- Molecular Cell Biology
- Molecular Genetics
- MPharm (Pharmacy) with Preparatory Year
- MPhysiotherapy (Sport and Exercise Medicine)
- MSc Mental Health Nursing (Pre-registration)
- MSci Nursing Dual Award (Adult and Child)
- MSci Nursing Dual Award (Adult and Mental Health)
- MSci Nursing Dual Award (Learning Disabilities and Child)
- Multimedia Journalism
- Natural Sciences
- NCT Perinatal Education and Practice
- Neuroscience
- Neuroscience with Cognitive Science
- Neuroscience with Foundation Year
- Neuroscience with Industrial/Professional Experience (4 years)
- Neuroscience with Placement Year
- Neuroscience with Psychology
- Neuroscience with Psychology BSc
- Nurse Paramedic (Adult)
- Nursing
- Nursing (Adult - Honours)
- Nursing (Adult and Child)
- Nursing (Adult and Mental Health)
- Nursing (Adult Health and Mental Health)
- Nursing (Adult Health)
- Nursing (Adult Health) (January)
- Nursing (Adult Nursing)
- Nursing (Adult)
- Nursing (Adult) (Blended Learning)
- Nursing (Adult) (Including Year Abroad)
- Nursing (Adult) (Mid Yorkshire Hospitals)
- Nursing (Adult) (Mid Yorkshire Hospitals) BSc Hons
- Nursing (Adult) (Swindon Campus)
- Nursing (Adult) April Entry
- Nursing (Adult) MSc
- Nursing (Adult) September Entry
- Nursing (Adult) Spring Intake
- Nursing (Adult) with Foundation Year
- Nursing (Adult) with NMC Registration
- Nursing (Adult) [Bolton NHS Foundation Trust]
- Nursing (Adult) [Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust]
- Nursing (Adult) [Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust]
- Nursing (Blended Learning) (Adult)
- Nursing (Blended Learning) (Child)
- Nursing (Blended Learning) (Learning Disability)
- Nursing (Blended Learning) (Mental Health)
- Nursing (Child and Mental Health)
- Nursing (Child Health)
- Nursing (Child)
- Nursing (Children and Young People)
- Nursing (Children's Nursing)
- Nursing (Children's)
- Nursing (Children's) with NMC Registration
- Nursing (Children)
- Nursing (Children) [Bolton NHS Trust]
- Nursing (Learning Disabilities Nursing)
- Nursing (Learning Disabilities)
- Nursing (Learning Disability)
- Nursing (Learning Disability) and Social Work
- Nursing (Mental Health Nursing)
- Nursing (Mental Health)
- Nursing (Mental Health) (January)
- Nursing (Mental Health) March Entry
- Nursing (Mental Health) September Entry
- Nursing (Mental Health) Spring Intake
- Nursing (Mental Health) with NMC Registration
- Nursing (Registered Nurse - Adult)
- Nursing (Registered Nurse - Child)
- Nursing (Registered Nurse - Mental Health)
- Nursing (Registered Nurse Adult)
- Nursing - Adult
- Nursing - Adult and Mental Health (Dual Award
- Nursing - Learning Disabilities and Child (Dual Award)
- Nursing - Mental Health and Child (Dual Award)
- Nursing - Mental Health and Learning Disabilities (Dual Award)
- Nursing - Registered Nurse (Adult)
- Nursing - Registered Nurse (Child)
- Nursing - Registered Nurse (Children & Young People)
- Nursing - Registered Nurse (Mental Health)
- Nursing Adult
- Nursing Adult and Child
- Nursing Adult and Mental Health
- Nursing and Allied Health Professions
- Nursing and Allied Health Professions Foundation Year
- Nursing Associate
- Nursing Associate Practitioner
- Nursing BSc (Hons)
- Nursing Child and Mental Health
- Nursing Dual Registration (Adult and Mental Health)
- Nursing Mental Health
- Nursing Practice (Adult) - Shrewsbury Campus
- Nursing Practice (Adult) - Stafford Campus
- Nursing Practice (Adult) - Stoke Campus
- Nursing Practice (Child) (September Entry Stafford)
- Nursing Practice (Mental Health) - Stafford Campus
- Nursing Science Registered Nurse (Child)
- Nursing Science, Registered Nurse (Adult)
- Nursing Science, Registered Nurse (Mental Health)
- Nursing Studies (Adult)
- Nursing Studies (Adult) (Pre-Registration)
- Nursing Studies (Child)
- Nursing Studies (Mental Health)
- Nursing Studies (Mental Health) (Pre-Registration)
- Nursing Studies (Registered Nurse Adult Nursing)
- Nursing Studies (Registered Nurse Adult Nursing) with Foundation Year
- Nursing Studies (Registered Nurse Children & Young People Nursing)
- Nursing Studies (Registered Nurse Children's Nursing)
- Nursing Studies (Registered Nurse Mental Health Nursing)
- Nursing Studies Hons (Adult)
- Nursing Studies Hons (Child)
- Nursing Studies with registration as a nurse (Adult Nursing)
- Nursing Studies with registration as a nurse (Mental Health Nursing)
- Nursing Studies, Registered Nurse (Adult)
- Nursing with Leadership Dual Registration Mental Health and Adult Nursing
- Nursing with Registered Nurse - Adult (March)
- Nursing with Registered Nurse - Adult (September)
- Nursing with Registered Nurse - Children and Young People
- Nursing with Registered Nurse - Learning Disabilities
- Nursing with Registered Nurse - Mental Health (September)
- Nursing with Registered Nurse - Mental Heath (September)
- Nursing with Registered Nurse – Adult (September)
- Nursing with Registered Nurse – Children and Young People
- Nursing with Registration (Adult Nursing)
- Nursing with Registration (Child Nursing)
- Nursing with Registration (Learning Disability)
- Nursing with Registration (Mental Health Nursing )
- Nursing with Registration as a Children's Nurse
- Nursing with Registration as a Mental Health Nurse
- Nursing with Registration as an Adult Nurse
- Nursing/Registered Nurse: Adult Nursing
- Nursing/Registered Nurse: Children's Nursing
- Nursing/Registered Nurse: Mental Health Nursing
- Nutrition
- Nutrition & Health
- Nutrition & Health with Foundation Year
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Nutrition and Food Science
- Nutrition and Health
- Nutrition and Medical Sciences
- Nutrition and Sport & Exercise Science
- Nutrition Exercise and Health
- Nutrition with Professional Placement
- Nutritional Sciences
- Occupational Therapy
- Occupational Therapy (extended)
- Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration)
- Occupational Therapy - BSc
- Occupational Therapy BSc
- Occupational Therapy BSc (Hons)
- Ocean Science
- Operating Department Practice
- Operating Department Practice Studies
- Operating Department Practitioner
- Optometry
- Optometry with a Preliminary Year (4 years)
- Oral and Dental Health Sciences (Dental Hygiene and Therapy)
- Oral Health
- Oral Health Science
- Oral Health Sciences
- Orthoptics
- Osteopathic Medicine
- Osteopathy
- Paramedic Practice
- Paramedic Science
- Paramedic Science (Pre-registration)
- Paramedic Science (September entry) - Stafford
- Paramedic Science and Out of Hospital Care
- Paramedic Science BSc
- Paramedic Science BSc (Hons)
- Paramedic Science with Foundation Year
- Paramedic Science with Integrated Master's
- Paramedicine
- Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences Foundation Degree (Pre-Pharmacy)
- Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Science
- Pharmaceutical Biosciences
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry with Foundation
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry with Foundation Year
- Pharmaceutical Science
- Pharmaceutical Science with Foundation Year
- Pharmaceutical Science, Technology and Business
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacology (Foundation)
- Pharmacology (including foundation year)
- Pharmacology (with foundation year)
- Pharmacology and Physiology with Foundation
- Pharmacology with Foundation Year and Placement
- Pharmacy
- Pharmacy (4 years)
- Pharmacy (with Integrated Pre-registration Scheme)
- Pharmacy (with Preparatory Year)
- Pharmacy 5 years (including pre-registration training) MPharm (Hons)
- Pharmacy MPharm with Biopharmaceutics (Extended degree)
- Pharmacy with Foundation Year
- Pharmacy with Preparatory Year
- Philosophy
- Philosophy (with Foundation Year)
- Philosophy and Ethics and Psychology
- Philosophy and Modern Languages with a Year Abroad
- Philosophy and Politics
- Philosophy with a Foundation Year
- Philosophy with Languages and Cultures (German) (with a year abroad)
- Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics
- Philosophy/Politics (Equal)
- Physical Activity and Health Promotion
- Physical Activity, Nutrition and Health
- Physical Activity, Sport and Health
- Physical Education
- Physical Education (Accelerated)
- Physical Education and School Sport
- Physical Education and Sport
- Physical Education and Youth Sport
- Physical Education with QTS
- Physical Education, Sport and Youth Development
- Physical Geography
- Physician Associate Studies
- Physician Associate Studies (MPAS)
- Physician Associate Studies (MPAS, Undergraduate Entry)
- Physician Associate Studies (Undergraduate)
- Physician Associate Studies MPAS (Taught Postgraduate)
- Physics
- Physiological Science
- Physiological Sciences
- Physiology
- Physiology and Pharmacology (Foundation Entry)
- Physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy (Extended Degree)
- Physiotherapy (with Foundation Year)
- Physiotherapy BSc
- Physiotherapy BSc (Hons)
- Physiotherapy with Foundation Year
- Physiotherapy with Integrated Foundation Year
- Physiotherapy with Integrated Master's
- Physiotherapy with Integrated Masters
- Planetary Science with Astronomy
- Plant Biology
- Plant Science
- Plant Science with STEM Foundation Year
- Podiatry
- Policing
- Policing and Criminal Investigation
- Policing and Criminal Justice
- Policing and Criminology
- Policing and Investigations
- Policing, Law Enforcement and Investigation
- Political Economy
- Politics
- Politics and American Studies
- Politics and International Relations
- Politics and International Relations with Study Abroad (Cornwall Campus)
- Politics and International Studies
- Politics and Philosophy
- Politics and Sociology
- Politics with a Foundation Year
- Politics with International Relations
- Politics, Philosophy and Economics
- Politics, Sociology and East European Studies
- Population Health and Medical Sciences with a Foundation Year
- PR and Marketing Management
- Practical Filmmaking (2-Year)
- Primary (FS/KS1 with QTS)
- Primary (KS1/KS2 with QTS)
- Primary (Special Educational Needs with QTS)
- Primary and Early Years Education (3-11) with QTS
- Primary and Early Years Education (with Qualified Teacher Status)
- Primary and Early Years Education with QTS
- Primary Education
- Primary Education (3-11 age range) with QTS
- Primary Education (3-11) with recommendation for QTS
- Primary Education (3-7 and 7-11)
- Primary Education (5-11)
- Primary Education (5-11) with QTS
- Primary Education (5-11) with Qualified Teacher Status
- Primary Education (5-11) with recommendation for QTS
- Primary Education (Accelerated Degree)
- Primary Education (Early Years 3-7) with QTS
- Primary Education (Early Years 3-7) with recommendation for QTS
- Primary Education (Early Years) (with QTS)
- Primary Education (ITE)
- Primary Education (Later Years 5-11) with QTS
- Primary Education (QTS)
- Primary Education (QTS) KS1/KS2
- Primary Education (two-year accelerated degree)
- Primary Education (with QTS)
- Primary Education 3-7 with QTS
- Primary Education 5-11 with QTS
- Primary Education Studies
- Primary Education Studies (2 Year Accelerated Degree)
- Primary Education Studies (Accelerated)
- Primary Education Studies (Non QTS Accelerated Degree)
- Primary Education with Mathematics with QTS
- Primary Education with QTS
- Primary Education with QTS (5-11)
- Primary Education with QTS (3-7 years)
- Primary Education with QTS (ages 3-7)
- Primary Education with QTS (ages 5-11)
- Primary Education with Qualified Teacher Status
- Primary Education with Qualified Teacher Status (3-7) (5-11)
- Primary Education with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)
- Primary English Education with QTS
- Primary Mathematics Education with QTS
- Primary Teaching
- Primary Teaching (QTS)
- Primary Teaching with Early Years with QTS
- Professional Nursing (Adult) (February)
- Professional Nursing (Adult) (September)
- Professional Nursing (Learning Disability) (September)
- Professional Nursing (Mental Health)
- Professional Policing
- Professional Policing (Accelerated Route)
- Professional Practice in Health and Social Care
- Property Development and Planning
- Property Finance and Investment
- Property Management and Real Estate with Sandwich Placement
- Prosthetics and Orthotics
- Psychodynamic Practice
- Psychology
- Psychology & Counselling
- Psychology (2-year degree)
- Psychology (3 years or 4 years including Foundation)
- Psychology (4 years full time including sandwich year)
- Psychology (Clinical & Mental Health)
- Psychology (Counselling)
- Psychology (Distance Learning)
- Psychology (Educational and Developmental Psychology)
- Psychology (First Year Taught at Salford City College)
- Psychology (Forensic Psychology)
- Psychology (Sports Psychology)
- Psychology (with a professional placement year)
- Psychology (with Foundation Year)
- Psychology (with placement year)
- Psychology and Child Development
- Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience
- Psychology and Counselling
- Psychology and Counselling (with Placement Year)
- Psychology and Criminology
- Psychology and Criminology (with integrated year in industry)
- Psychology and Criminology with Foundation Year
- Psychology and Language Sciences
- Psychology and Neuroscience
- Psychology and Sociology
- Psychology Foundation Year
- Psychology in Education
- Psychology in Education BSc (Hons)
- Psychology integrated Masters
- Psychology of Sport
- Psychology with a Foundation Year
- Psychology with a Year Abroad
- Psychology with a Year in Professional Practice
- Psychology with Accelerated Foundation Year
- Psychology with Child Development
- Psychology with Clinical Approaches
- Psychology with Clinical Psychology
- Psychology with Clinical Psychology [with Placement Year]
- Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience
- Psychology with Counselling
- Psychology with Counselling (with placement year)
- Psychology with Counselling and Mental Health
- Psychology with Counselling and Psychotherapy
- Psychology with Counselling Studies
- Psychology with Criminology
- Psychology with Criminology & Criminal Justice
- Psychology with Criminology (4 years full time including sandwich year)
- Psychology with Criminology (with Foundation Year)
- Psychology with Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies
- Psychology with Education
- Psychology with Education Studies
- Psychology with Forensic Investigation
- Psychology with Forensic Psychology
- Psychology with Foundation
- Psychology with Foundation Year
- Psychology with Health and Wellbeing in Society
- Psychology with Neuroscience
- Psychology with optional placement year
- Psychology with Placement Year
- Psychology with Professional Placement
- Psychology with Sport and Exercise
- Psychology, Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience
- Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Mental Health
- Psychology, Counselling and Coaching
- Psychology, Counselling and Coaching BSc (Hons)
- Psychology, Counselling and Therapies
- Psychology, Development and Development Disorders
- Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counselling
- Psychology/Criminology
- Psychosocial Studies
- Psychotherapy and Counselling
- Psychotherapy and Counselling (Integrated Masters)
- Public Health
- Public Health (with Foundation Year)
- Public Health and Community Studies
- Public Health and Community Wellbeing
- Public Health and Community Wellbeing BSc (Hons)
- Public Health and Health Promotion
- Quantity Surveying
- Quantity Surveying & Commercial Management
- Quantity Surveying (with Foundation Year)
- Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management
- Quantity Surveying and Construction
- Quantity Surveying with Foundation Year
- Quantity Surveying with Professional Placement Year
- Quantity Surveying with Sandwich Placement
- Radiography (Diagnostic Imaging)
- Radiography (Diagnostic Imaging) with Foundation Year
- Radiography (Diagnostic Imaging) with optional foundation year
- Radiography (Radiotherapy and Oncology)
- Radiography (Radiotherapy and Oncology) with optional foundation year
- Radiotherapy
- Radiotherapy and Oncology
- Real Estate
- Real Estate and Property Management
- Real Estate Development and Management
- Real Estate Surveying (Asset Management)
- Real Estate Surveying (Asset Management) with Foundation Year
- Real Estate with a Foundation Year
- Real Estate with Foundation
- Real Estate with Professional Placement Year
- Registered Nurse (Adult)
- Rehabilitation Work (Visual Impairment)
- Religions, Theology and Ethics
- Rural Business Management
- Rural Land Management
- Science Education with Qualified Teacher Status
- Science Extended Degree leading to a BSc(Hons) Degree
- Science with Foundation Year
- Scots Law
- Security and Intelligence
- SFX Props & Modelmaking for Film and TV
- Social Anthropology
- Social Care and Community Practice
- Social Care and Health & Wellbeing
- Social Care and Health Studies
- Social Policy
- Social Policy and Politics
- Social Science
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities with Foundation Year
- Social Work
- Social Work (Qualified Status)
- Social Work and Applied Social Studies
- Social Work Practice
- Society, Culture and Media
- Sociology
- Sociology & Criminology
- Sociology and Criminology
- Sociology and Social Policy
- Sociology with Criminology with Foundation Year
- Sociology with Psychology
- Sociology with Social Sciences Foundation Year
- Software Engineering
- Software Engineering with Electronics
- Special Education (Online)
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Studies
- Special Educational Needs and Inclusion Studies
- Special Educational Needs, Disability & Inclusion
- Speech and Language Pathology
- Speech and Language Science
- Speech and Language Sciences
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Speech and Language Therapy with Foundation Year
- Sport & Exercise Psychology
- Sport & Exercise Science
- Sport & Exercise Sciences
- Sport & Physical Education
- Sport and Exercise Medical Sciences
- Sport and Exercise Medical Sciences with Professional Training Year
- Sport and Exercise Nutrition
- Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Sport and Exercise Rehabilitation
- Sport and Exercise Science
- Sport and Exercise Science (Nutrition)
- Sport and Exercise Science (Strength and Conditioning)
- Sport and Exercise Science (with Foundation Study)
- Sport and Exercise Science with Foundation Year
- Sport and Exercise Sciences
- Sport and Exercise Therapy
- Sport and Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation
- Sport and Exercise Therapy with Placement
- Sport and Physical Education
- Sport and Rehabilitation Therapy
- Sport Business
- Sport Business Management
- Sport Coaching
- Sport Coaching and Development
- Sport Development with Coaching
- Sport Management
- Sport Management (3 years or 4 years with Foundation)
- Sport Media
- Sport Nutrition
- Sport Performance Analysis
- Sport Psychology
- Sport Rehabilitation
- Sport Rehabilitation and Conditioning
- Sport Science and Coaching
- Sport Science, Health and Nutrition
- Sport Science, Physical Education and Coaching
- Sport Therapy and Rehabilitation
- Sport, Coaching and Physical Education
- Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
- Sport, Exercise and Nutrition
- Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences
- Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences (Physical Ed
- Sport, Physical Education and Health
- Sports & Exercise Therapy
- Sports and Exercise Science
- Sports and Exercise Therapy
- Sports Business and Entrepreneurship
- Sports Business Management
- Sports Coaching
- Sports Coaching and Performance Science
- Sports Development and Coaching
- Sports Injury Rehabilitation
- Sports Journalism
- Sports Management
- Sports Management and Development
- Sports Performance Analysis and Talent Identification
- Sports Rehabilitation
- Sports Science
- Sports Therapy
- Sports Therapy (with Foundation Year)
- Sports Therapy and Injury Rehabilitation
- Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation
- Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation BSc (Hons)
- Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation with a Year in Industry
- Strength and Conditioning
- Strength and Conditioning Science
- Strength, Conditioning and Rehabilitation
- Strength, Conditioning and Sports Nutrition
- Studies in Primary Education
- Sustainability and Environmental Management
- Television Production
- TESOL and Japanese
- TESOL and Korean
- Theatre, Film and Media Studies
- Theology and Religion
- Therapeutic Radiography
- Therapeutic Radiography and Oncology
- Tourism Management
- Translation, Media and Modern Language
- Urban Planning
- Urban Planning and Development
- Veterinary Biosciences
- Veterinary Biosciences with Foundation Year
- Veterinary Medicine
- Veterinary Medicine and Science
- Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
- Veterinary Nursing
- Veterinary Nursing and Companion Animal Behaviour
- Veterinary Physiotherapy
- Veterinary Physiotherapy (with Placement)
- Veterinary Science
- Virtual Production
- Wildlife and Practical Conservation
- Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Science
- Wildlife, Ecology and Conservation Science
- Working With Children and Families
- Working with Children, Young People & Families
- Working with Children, Young People and Families
- Working with Vulnerable Children & Families
- Writing and Film
- Zoo Biology
- Zoological Management
- Zoology
- Zoology (with integrated year in industry)
- Zoology (with Sandwich placement)
- Zoology with a Year in Industry
- Zoology with Animal Behaviour (with Placement)
- Zoology with Foundation Year
- Zoology with Placement Year
- Zoology with Professional Placement