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Online Access to HE Diploma for Medicine

get into university without A-levels

All you need to start your career in Medicine

We are here to help you fulfil your potential and start you on the pathway to your dream career.

Our Access to HE Diploma (Medicine) gives you the opportunity to apply for a degree in Medicine.

This Access to HE Diploma (Medicine) meets the requirements of QAA's Subject Descriptor for Medicine (i.e. what you study in the course), which was developed in consultation between QAA & medical schools. Diplomas with this title are accepted by many medical schools and universities as a valid entry route to a degree in medicine, whereas others which do not meet the requirements of the Subject Descriptor may not be accepted. You should always check with the medical school or university where you wish to study.

This Diploma contains the following: Chemistry 21 Graded Credits, Biology 15 Graded Credits, Physics 9 Graded Credits. 15 Credits across various subjects are Ungraded (i.e. Achieved or Not Achieved). Click the Qualification Tab for more details.

IMPORTANT - please read on down this page for further details, because the entry requirements for degrees in Medicine are higher than most other degree courses.

Doctors work in all areas of health care, providing you with a wide range of career options. These include areas such as:

  • General Practice,
  • Surgery,
  • Emergency Medicine,
  • Intensive Care,
  • Anaesthesia,
  • Radiology,
  • Paediatric,
  • Ophthalmology,
  • Public Health

10% offEnrol today for just £10.00. £1214.72 (£1349.70) if you Pay in Full. or from only £99.98 per month

What are they?

Access to HE Logo
Access to HE Diplomas are for people who wish to enter university but who do not have A-levels, or who last studied a number of years ago. They are equivalent to 3 A-levels. There are entry requirements for the Diploma and for a Medicine Degree, details below. You normally need GCSEs in at least English and Maths.

Are they accredited?

Ascentis Logo
All our Access to HE Diplomas are fully accredited through Ascentis (our Access Validating Agency (AVA)) and regulated by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), so they are part of the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). This means that you can apply to Medical Schools & Universities using your Diploma.

How do I study?

On average an Access to HE Diploma takes about 9 months to complete, 600 hours of study. They are studied 100% online. Unlike other Access to HE Diplomas, there are 2 exams, which will be conducted by video link. Your friendly subject-specialist qualified personal tutor supports your learning with one-to-one tutorials and helps you with any problems or concerns.

After the course

Our Access to HE Diplomas are perfectly suited to meet university entry requirements and also prepare you for undergraduate study. This results from 30 years of experience providing Access to HE Courses by distance learning, and our strong relationships with universities. Our students have gone on to study degrees at over 140. We also help with your UCAS Application.

When can I start?

You can start when it suits you: just like studying with us, our enrolments are flexible too.

What is different about this Medicine Diploma?

The framework for the Access to HE Diploma (Medicine) has been specified by QAA through the Subject Descriptor for Medicine but individual Diplomas have been developed by Ascentis.

In 2020, we were one of the pilot centres for the QAA Subject Descriptor for Medicine. Since the pilot we have continued to provide this qualification.

The QAA's Subject Descriptor was developed working with the University of Plymouth, Edge Hill University and Keele University, as well as the Medical Schools Council.

This delivers what the medical schools themselves want and need. Its aim is to make the Access to HE Diploma a universally recognised route into Medicine for adults in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

What are the entry requirements for this Diploma?

The entry requirements for this course are that you must currently hold the correct number and grades at GCSE for university applications and have the skills and experiences relevant to the course such as current NHS or social care experience. If you need further GCSEs, you can study them with us.

You need to have a UK residential address to study this qualification (you can be posted overseas). If you are currently resident outside the UK you need to be able to provide proof of UK residency before the end of the course. In this case, please advise us of this when you apply.

What are the university entry requirements for a Degree in Medicine?

Entry requirements vary and so you must check university websites, but to be successful in an application to university for Medicine you normally need GCSEs in at least English and Maths. If you do not have these already, you can study them with us first.

How long does it take to become a doctor?

Medical degrees as a first degree take 5 years. If your medical degree is your second undergraduate degree, it may be 4 years long but, more often, it will still be 5 years. After completing a medical degree, you then need to complete two years of foundation training, followed by three to seven years of specialist training.

How do I learn?

For every unit you study you will be given access to its tailored learning materials: because they are written by us, you can be sure that they will teach you what you need to succeed on your assessments. They are more than a textbook - they guide you through your learning and support you so that you're fully prepared for each assessment. You will complete tasks, answer questions (with model answers that you can check), and will be given all the tools needed to achieve the highest grades possible.

How am I assessed?

You are assessed through tutor-assessed coursework throughout your Diploma. There are 2 exams, which will be conducted by video link. Our assessments have been both internally and externally verified, meaning that they have been checked to make sure they are consistent, fair and robust. Importantly, they give everybody the same opportunities to succeed. Our internal verification process is rigorous and thorough, ensuring that every tutor is marking, grading and giving formative and developmental feedback in line with our exacting standards.

How long will it take?

Because our Access to HE Diplomas fit into your life rather than the other way around, you can decide how long you'd like to study your Diploma for. They require an estimated 600 hours of study. On average an Access to HE Diploma takes 9 months, but you can complete in 6 months or study for longer if you wish to.

When can I complete?

Just like starting, when you complete is up to you. The only deadlines that are in place are those set by yourself, and are usually based on when you hope to start university. To start university in September you would aim for June moderation; to start university in February/March you would aim for November moderation.

What are my future prospects?

An Access to HE Diploma opens doors for every student. Whether you decide to use it to gain entry to university or not, it will improve your career prospects. You gain so much by studying an Access to HE Diploma online: it teaches you skills that will make you stand out. From organisational skills and time management, to the ability to self-direct and research independently - you will be capable of things you hadn't previously thought possible.

Access to Higher Education Diploma (Medicine) Option 1

Subjects studied:
  1. Study Skills (3 credits)
  2. Medicine (57 credits)
You study 60 credits in total:
  • 45 graded credits
  • 15 ungraded credits

Subject Set: Study Skills
Unit: Interview and Application Skills
3 Credits
Level 3
Study Skills Totals
3 Credits
0 Graded
3 Ungraded
Subject Set: Medicine
Unit: Professional Behaviours
3 Credits
Level 3
Unit: Fundamentals of Chemistry
3 Credits
Level 3
Unit: Applied Biochemistry
6 Credits
Level 3
Unit: Core Principles of Chemistry (Ex)
6 Credits
Level 3
Unit: Advanced Organic Chemistry
3 Credits
Level 3
Unit: Additional Organic Chemistry
3 Credits
Level 3
Unit: Experiments in Chemistry
3 Credits
Level 3
Unit: Mathematics for Medics
3 Credits
Level 3
Unit: Cell Biology for Medicine
3 Credits
Level 3
Unit: Aspects of Human Physiology (Ex)
6 Credits
Level 3
Unit: Biomolecules and Key Biochemical Principles (Ex)
6 Credits
Level 3
Unit: Experiments in Biology
3 Credits
Level 3
Unit: Medical Uses of Radioisotopes
3 Credits
Level 3
Unit: Principles of Physics (Ex)
6 Credits
Level 3
Medicine Totals
57 Credits
45 Graded
12 Ungraded

Fee Calculator

Start Date:
End Date:

Total Fees = for up to days of study

The most flexible fees

Pay as you Go, no credit checks. Take payment breaks. If course not for you, pay no further instalments.

Pay in Full, discounts on many courses.

10% offEnrol today for just £10.00. £1214.72 (£1349.70) if you Pay in Full. or from only £99.98 per month

Optional extra Qualifications

You can study additional qualifications alongside your Access to HE Diploma with substantial discounts.

In addition to your Access to HE Diploma, university entry requirements may also include GCSEs. If you don't have the required GCSEs already, you can study them with us alongside your Access to HE Diploma.
  • When GCSEs are studied with an Access to HE Diploma, you get £20 off the first and £30 off the second.
  • You only pay an Enrolment Fee for the Diploma.

If you need to brush up on your English, Maths or Science before starting your Diploma, Progression Awards provide the ideal way to do this. Also, if you have been out of education for some time, universities may require evidence of recent Level 2 study before offering a place. Progression Awards maximum study days are added to your Access to HE Diploma maximum study days.
  • If you study 24 or more Progression Award Credits you get £10 off. If you study 36 or more Credits you get £25 off.
  • Maximum days from the Progression Awards are added on to the maximum days for the Diploma, making for more manageable instalments.
  • You only pay an Enrolment Fee for the Diploma.

Many universities will accept Functional Skills as an alternative to GCSEs. If you don't have the required qualifications already, you can study them with us. When you enrol on your Access to HE Diploma you will be able to inform us that you would also like to study Functional Skills.
  • When Functional Skills are studied with an Access to HE Diploma, you only pay an Enrolment Fee for the Diploma.

Funding your course

The majority of our students fund themselves using our easy payment options. Some secure funding through their employers and a few manage to get some help from local charities. We cannot provide advice on funding but we do have a Grants & Funding page which you may find useful.

If you are not funding your course yourself

Please ensure that you make us aware of this when you apply so that we can advise you & make any necessary arrangements with the funder to cover your course costs.

If you have already purchased your course elsewhere

  • The fees and details on this page apply only if you purchase your Course directly from DistanceLearningCentre.com.
  • If you have purchased your course from another web site, they will have already informed you about their Terms & Conditions and payments.
  • They will also have informed us that you will be signing up for a course with us so we will be able to adjust the finances on your account accordingly once you have set up your course.
  • You will not need to pay the Enrolment Fee.

Payment methods

The normal method of payment is online with a Credit or Debit Card. We accept all major cards.

If there are genuine reasons why you cannot pay online, you will need to contact us to discuss whether there are other feasible options available such as bank transfer or Standing Order.

The support that our students receive is central to who we are and the service that we deliver.

Your tutor

Your tutor is both your personal support and your subject specialist teacher. They were chosen for their expert subject knowledge and qualifications, and for their skills in supporting and motivating adults who may have been out of education for some time. They are there to support you and guide your studies, and you will be in regular contact over email, WhatsApp and virtual meetings. Because they mark your assessments, they know how to help you to improve, develop and advance as you progress through the course.

Their role evolves over the course of your studies as your needs change. Initially you will speak to your tutor every week so you can get to know each other and settle into studying. As you progress through the course the support that you want from your tutor may change: one week you may want to talk about study skills, and the next about the ethics of research. Your tutor is there to make sure that your time with us is as successful and enjoyable as possible.

The most flexible study and active tutor support

You can find out more details about support on the course and our flexible study options on our Studying with Us Page. You can also see what our students have to say about the support they received in our reviews.

Student Services

Our Student Services team are here for you from your first enquiry and throughout your course. From clarifying university entry requirements to finding the course that is right for you, Student Services are here for everybody - past, present and prospective students alike.

UCAS Application

UCAS is the application system used for applying to university in the UK. They have lots of guidance for students and we are also here to support you throughout the application process.

For many, making the UCAS application is one of the most important moments arising from the course, and we support you throughout the process. Our strong relationships with universities mean that we liaise with them to ensure that you are always given the most relevant and up-to-date advice, and we keep you abreast of relevant information from UCAS.

From the first stage of your application, to any interviews you may have, and accepting a place - we are there with you every step of the way. We will work with you to plan and draft your personal statement, will guide you through every step of applying through UCAS, and will check every single application, personal statement and reference before they are submitted. We work to ensure that every application is the best it can be.

Additional Support

Learning Support - support if you have declared a disability. They provide advice and guidance and signpost you to help and resources which can help with your studies.

Student Support - supporting you if you are having problems with your studies. This may be due to a wide range of factors, personal, financial, confidence, changed circumstances etc. Generally, tutors will refer you to this section if they feel that you will benefit from some extra help or advice.

Peer Support

We have a dynamic private Facebook community over 2000 students for you to join and if you want to raise points with staff this can be done via the Student Action Group.


We make our courses suit you and your life: if your circumstances or priorities change then your course can too. We are here to help you achieve, and so taking a study break, changing your payment date, extending or shortening your study period (target completion date) is always possible.

Technical Support

From accessing learning materials to uploading documents, if you need any technical support during your studies our Technical Department is there for you.

Finance Department

Should you need any help or advice about fees, payment options, or there are changes to your circumstances the Finance Department is are happy to help.

How are Access to HE courses structured?

Every Access to HE Diploma is 60 credits: 15 are ungraded and 45 are graded. The grades available are Pass, Merit and Distinction.

The structure of each Diploma is designed to provide you with subject knowledge which we know is most relevant to the degree you are aiming for and chosen through experience and consultation to find out what the universities most want to see.

The Diploma is split into:

  • A developmental section (which is not subject specific), 3 Credits studied at Level 3.
  • The Medicine Subject Set.

The Course Learning Materials include Self-Assessment Questions (SAQ's) and activities. You will need to upload your SAQ's, to demonstrate your learning, before you can start the formal assessment for the Unit.

Subject sets, Credits & Units

To achieve an Access to HE Diploma you complete 60 credits, of which at least 45 must be at Level 3 (A-Level standard) and are graded Pass, Merit or Distinction. The other 15 credits are at Level 3 and are ungraded.

Developmental and Subject Sets are made up of Units; each unit is made up of three or six credits.

Learning Materials examples

How are Access to HE courses assessed?

You are assessed through tutor-assessed coursework throughout your Diploma, including two exams that will take place over a video link.

As you complete each Unit, you will be given Assessments to complete. These often take the form of a practical report, tutor-assessed questions or an essay. These are used by your tutor to assess your learning and recommend you for an Award of Credit for the Unit. You will receive the confirmation of recommended credit(s) for each Unit when the written work has met the predefined criteria which are found within the Assessments.

Once you have completed an Assessment, you upload the Assessment to your Student Account. Your tutor will provide you with feedback on your work, by completing and uploading a Mark Sheet to your Student Account.


Because the Access to HE Diplomas are part of the National Qualification Framework, they are moderated externally by the Awarding Body to ensure consistent quality nationwide. Moderation takes place three times a year so when you complete the course, you will have to wait until the next moderation before the request for certification can be sent to the Awarding Body. However, should you have concerns that your Diploma may not be certificated in time for entry onto your selected course in Higher Education, we can provide evidence for you to give to the admissions tutor.


Developmental and Introductory Level 3 Units are not Graded, they are simply awarded 'achieved' or 'not achieved'. The 45 graded Level 3 Credits are awarded grades of Pass, Merit, Distinction (or resubmission) using 3 Grading Standards utilised nationally and set by the QAA.

It is expected that you will make every effort to meet the criteria for a Unit and you are required to complete and return a 'tick sheet' which helps you to check you have completed everything you need to. However, if you fail to meet the criteria for a Pass, you are encouraged to resubmit your work and it is not graded at that point.

Your tutor will give you guidance about any improvements that are necessary and when you resubmit your work it will be graded. If you still fail to achieve the criteria, you will have to complete another piece of work on a different topic within the Unit.

Assessment examples

  • Assessments - give you all the information you need to complete and pass your assessment. Further Podcasts and Videos are included in the Assessments.
  • Student Answer Sheets the documents you complete with your answers for the Assessments.

Laptop or Computer

Due to the academic nature and depth of this course you will not be able to study it entirely on a Mobile Phone or Tablet.

Check university entry requirements

It is important to check the entry requirements for your chosen universities as these will help you decide if you need any of the qualifications below. We are also very happy to advise you to ensure that you have what you need.


You may need GCSEs to gain entry to university. If you do not have these already, you can study them with us. You will have the option to add these to your Diploma when you enrol.

UK ENIC (formerly UK NARIC) Statement of Comparability

If you already hold qualifications that were studied outside the UK, your university may wish to see a Statement of Comparability to exempt you from GCSE or Level 2 credits entry requirements. You can get a statement from UK ENIC, who can be contacted through enic.org.uk.

Work experience, specific skills and specialist knowledge

You should always check university's entry requirements, both compulsory and preferred, as they will often say what they expect from a candidate. This may include a work placement, specific interpersonal skills, or evidence of wide reading and existing knowledge about the degree, the career, or the industry.


The website and materials were easy to navigate and the Facebook group gave me extra reassurance and support.

The tutors were supportive, patient and most importantly motivated me to carry on when I found it tough. I would highly recommend them to anyone needing to gain an extra qualification to achieve their dream career. Emily


The learning materials were excellent and they exceeded my expectations. I would like to thank my family and the tutors for their amazing support.

I am happy to say to have secured a place to study a Nursing Degree this September. I cannot recommend them enough. Yannick


The course is excellently written with information perfectly explained for those who have been out of education.

I completed mine whilst working full time, undergoing several overseas military deployments in support of the COVID pandemic. I could not have done this without them, my tutors were with me every step of the way! John


Support of tutors, & the wider student community were fundamental in enabling me to overcome adversity. The peer support of fellow students proved a wonderful resource. People of all ages & backgrounds united in their desire to study & self-develop, quick to offer help & encouragement. So I became active in supporting others through the Facebook Group. Richard


I have dyslexia. They suited all my needs. It was flexible, affordable, and the modules offered would provide me with the fundamental basics to study a Law degree.

They did more than help me get into my dream Russell Group university studying Law. The whole experience finally made me feel academically worthy. Sam


Tutors and staff have been fantastic in helping me achieve the grades I need, as well as any other situations I needed support with.

I applied to 2 universities and have received conditional offers from both.

I have achieved more credits than the offer requires, it wouldn't have been possible without them. Aaliya


I loved the flexibility that comes with the course and the outstanding tutors.

I have since been offered a place from two universities to study a BSc in Adult Nursing.

It is in this regard that I strongly recommend them without hesitation for any person who would like to reboot their career. Mehluli


I was very nervous about beginning my studies as I thought that Access to HE Diplomas were aimed at mature students, being 17 at the time of beginning my studies. But I was so wrong!

The Diploma is for anyone wanting to enter higher education. The staff, and my tutors especially, couldn't have been more accommodating and supportive. Beth


From day one I found my tutors to be incredibly friendly, supportive and accessible. They encourage independent learning, but are always there to give guidance and answer questions of any kind.

The learning materials are brilliant; extremely thorough and logically laid out in topics and sub-topics, so you move smoothly through. Victoria


The materials were easy to follow. I received advice from others via the Facebook page & from my personal tutor, who was always so quick to answer any questions. During the modules, I developed my research methods & even my English improved. I am far more confident in finding the pros & cons of every theory. I now feel I am in a far better position & I am currently enrolled on an LLB Qualifying Law degree. Sean


They stood out for me because of their flexibility and affordability.

Enrolling to study remotely for a science course, was overwhelmingly nerve-wracking but my tutors were very kind, supportive and helpful. Their support allowed me to excel and achieve high grades. I have now secured a place at a university. Fanny
